View Full Version : Dark purple finger tip causing HA relapse :-(

15-05-10, 13:38
I have a new health worry that I am hoping someone can help me with.

For some my 'pointy' finger on my right hand has a very pale, often white, finger tip. It doesn't normally hurt and it is permanently pale (possibly up to a year?!). However, today I just happened to be looking at my hand and noticed the same finger tip, right up to the first bend, is dark purple. I scrubbed it thinking it was newspaper ink but no, it's definitely my finger. It doesn't hurt, is only very slightly numb and the front of my finger including my nail has no discolouration.

Stupidly I googled and now I am worried about my heart! I have been feeling a bit down lately due to working unsociable hours so very tired but am now thinking my heart has problems again and that the circulation is going to stop at each finger over time so I am constantly inspecting my fingers and toes. I also read it could be a sign of diabetes. I am overweight so just another concern of mine.

Is this likely to be something that needs immediate attention? At the moment I can't find anything that makes it seem non life-threatening apart from Raynauds but I don't think Raynauds affects just one finger tip?

Any help would be much appreciated, as it always is!

15-05-10, 14:10
Hi there. I dont really know enough about heart problems, but maybe to put your mind at rest give nhs direct a call? They might be able to give you a better idea of whats going on.
It might be darker because blood has now started to get back into it again?
I notice my fingers get very mottled with red/purple dots when i get anxious.
Hope you feel better soon!

15-05-10, 19:51
It could possibly be linked to circulation.
I have dreadful circulation... it's actually humorous how bad it is now! My feet and hands are constantly cold and my feet often go shades of purple and red, mottled in various places.