View Full Version : Symptoms that have confused me!

01-02-06, 16:05
Hi, new to this, i have just started suffering from panic attacks and i do have all the symptoms that have been mentioned on a daily basis. The last couple of days i have had pain in my left side of face, ear and neck, also sharp n dull pains in my groin and back of knee, constant pain that won't go away. Is this to do with my anxiety - has abyone else had anything similar


Ma Larkin
01-02-06, 16:30
Hi Hayley, when I suffered from really bad panic attacks I suffered all the symptoms you have mentioned. I ended up in hospital because the aches and pains in my face and neck were so bad that I could hardly hold my head up. I had a constant weakness down my left hand side. I was scared to death cos it just felt like i'd had a stroke! I've got used to them now. Scared the life out of me at first! I'm sure its just anxiety and you have nothing to worry about. Take care.

Les, x

01-02-06, 19:23

i to suffer from left sided pain. i was told it was neuralgia { harmless} that affects yiu when your down emotionally. it is very severe although i find when i let it get me down the symptoms get worse

i do believe it is anxiety related hayley

speak soon jackie

02-02-06, 16:17
Hi Hayley

Welcome aboard. You will see that this is not uncommon and there are loads of other posts about it on here.

Hope you get some help and support on here.
