View Full Version : How do u guys handle ur adrenaline levels?

15-05-10, 16:22
I suffer from stress and anxiety. I get highly strung and i feel my adrenaline in stomach ALL the time. It gets so i cant sit still for long, my heart rate goes up and takes a while to come down...(not sure if i can call it palpitation as it gets to 105bpm) but it takes a while to come down.

Sometimes it feels like im out of breath...though thats rare!

Im 37, dont smoke or drink...or even caffeine for that matter.

Ive HA about my heart. Im afraid to exercise as my heart really pounds when i do!

Do u guys feel adrenaline in ur stomach/chest at all?? kinda like serious butterflies all the time!!

15-05-10, 16:51
Don't think there's anything wrong with your heart - you sound like a healthy 37 year old to me.

Fast heart-rate/palpitations are classic anxiety symptoms together with the adrenaline/butterflies sensation so make sure you learn relaxation techniques (there are a lot of good CDs by Paul McKenna) along with any other therapy you may be getting.

15-05-10, 19:34
I'm like this, as you call it highly strung! Everything stresses me out and I get like a nervous sensation in my stomach and I swear I can actually feel my blood pressure rising! I too have HA about my heart and avoid exercise but I do have a heart condition. The only way I seem to combat this excessive adrenaline is simply slowing my breathing and always exhaling for longer than I inhale and breathe through my nose, it's a natural relaxation response that is in built x

15-05-10, 19:54
Though having your heart pump so hard may feel like you're having a heart attack, you know it isn't really. In fact having your heart pump like that from time to time is probably quite good for it, you've just got to learn to ride it out. You sound like a healthy guy to me, and even 37 is quite young so I wouldn't worry about having a heart attack. Just ride it out.

15-05-10, 19:55
yup i can also feel the adrenaline singing through my veins,,at worst like you i just cant sit still,,yet dont want to move either,,i also have a heart condition so yes im very conscious of whats going on,,i try to listen to my relaxation cds or keep myself occupied ,,so im not working myself up into to much of a state

16-05-10, 02:08
Yes Peter, I feel the adrenalin in my chest veru pften - some days its like its there all the time and other days I get surges of it.

I have felt the same about execise as you but I got a GP referral for execise so I go to group session with a trainer who specialises in people with illness or anxiety and pther in the group are either sick or have some medical reason why they are execising - often they like me are scared of their heartbeat so you feel you are in good company and you know there is someone there looking out for you. I am only in week three of this but so far Im enjoying it and it is helping with adrenalin levels.

The other thing you may find helpful is betablockers - they keep your heart beating a little slower by blocking the adrenalin receptors to the heart - they have also made the execising easier for me as my heart doesnt feel like its trying to escape from my chest the way it used to. Ask your GP if they have such a referral scheme (assuming you are in the Uk)

good luck...
