View Full Version : Hello...I'm Emma

15-05-10, 16:43
Hello everyone, my name is Emma and I suffer with anxiety.

I have been on this site before (about 4 years ago) and made a great recovery, thanks to the help I received on NMP, meds and some CBT.

However, recent events have left me feeling rotten and the anxiety has come flooding back. I knew on Monday at work that it had all become too much as I couldn't focus on any one thing. My mind was a complete mess! :wacko:

Tuesday I woke up feeling very emotional and I just couldn't face work. I'd hit a wall of anxiety and knew that something had to be done, so I booked myself a GP appointment. Ended up crying at the docs, which was a bit unexpected, however, he was really nice and explained my options to me.

I've ended up back on Citalopram (20mg) which I thought would be straightforward as I've been on it before but no....it's a totally different experience!

Last time my aniexty was increased for the first few days on the meds, however, this time I am feeling absolutely EXHAUSTED!! What's that all about? :huh:

I've only been on the tablets since Tuesday morning (so 5 days) but the tiredness, dizziness and nausea are making me feel like crap. I've missed out on seeing two lots of friends already this weekend because I have no energy and I don't feel like I can drive anywhere. I slept until 2:30pm today, which is really unlike me. Feels like I'm just wasting my weekend :weep:

Any suggestions as to how I can get through these first few weeks on the medication?

Emma x

15-05-10, 16:44
Hi curlybird

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-05-10, 16:59
Hi Emma

Sorry to hear you are experiencing problems with the citalopram, strange how you have different side effects to the last time.

I think they are just side effects and will probably last a couple of weeks at least, so I would not make any commitments for a while and take it easy, your body just obviously needs to rest and you should give in to it and go with it and not fight it. The positive is they are only temporary and will go as your body gets used to the citalopram. Whenever I have taken it in the past I have always suffered intense anxiety and insomnia as well as lack of appetite initially, but it has settled and yours will too.

Hope you feel better soon hun.
Take care.

16-05-10, 18:21
Thanks Jo.

Feeling a little better today. Managed to get out of the house too, which is good. I was determined that I wasn't going to sleep through the day!!!!

Feeling very thirsty and still a little bit tired, but I know it will get better...and that's keeping me going. took some vitamins today too, so guess that might be helping?

Hope you're ok today?

hugs :hugs:
Curly x

Vanilla Sky
16-05-10, 20:18
Welcome back to NMP , I hope you get the same support again :welcome: paige x