View Full Version : palptations

15-05-10, 18:03
Hi After reading many theads on no more panic as i have palps and chest pain
today i have noticed like some of you have said on this forum after i eat food my stomach feels full and after little while sometimes have these dam palps anyone else like this
cheers robert

16-05-10, 01:34
Yes, I use to have this happen all the time - even when I just ate a little bit. I used to be on a beta-blocker, because I would have bad palpitations when I had a panic attack (150's). As time has gone by, and i am now on Ativan, a small dose, I noticed that these don't bother me as much. I am no longer on a beta-blocker. I still will feel that my pulse may go a little faster after I eat something, but this is normal. I think most of it is just focusing in on it. If I distract myself, like watch tv or read, I noticed it doesn't bother me any more. It can be scary and annoying though.

Going home
16-05-10, 01:42
Yes, there is a connection between the stomach and the heart beat through the Vagus nerve. Its the longest nerve in the body and runs from the base of your brain to your groin, but it meanders through some of the organs such as the heart and stomach amongst others. Sometimes it can be irritated by what you eat and this can cause the heart to race or beat erratically. It doesn't happen to everyone, but the connection is recognised by most doctors...mine included. Anything that might help your digestion will also help to ease the vagus nerve and in turn the palitations etc.

Anna xxx