View Full Version : Someone help....

15-05-10, 18:39
The last 2-3 days I have felt nauseous, both sides of the back of my neck hurt on and off, my chest, shoulders and back feel tight and I keep getting pains in the top of both my arms....sometimes pain goes right down arms into wrists and tops of hands, thats more on the left arm though. Also my face feels swollen but isn't and I am tired, but been thinking that may be from allergies or sinuses?

16-05-10, 03:19
I feel nauseous a lot and get heaps of tension and aches in my neck, shoulders, chest and then my arms. It's generally caused by being so tense due to our anxiety. A lot of the time we tense our muscles continually without even realising it and this makes them really tired and sore all the time. Which makes us worry more and tense more. Vicious circle! I also get the feeling like my face is swollen, it terrifies me because I have a phobia of anaphylaxis. Yippeee. I've been told by my doctor and psychiatrist that it's msot likely again to be due to muscle tension in my face, jaw, etc that ends up leaving my face feeling tight and swollen. It's also a possibility that it is hayfever or sinus problems. Very frustrating isn't it!

16-05-10, 08:14
i get the exact same thing too & i'm always nauseas and doc thinks the nausea is from acid reflux altho i don't get burning sensations up my throat. i get lots of neck tension which causes the pain in the shoulders arms chest and headaches too. it's all referred pain from the neck. see a physio to clear up muscle problems from nerve problems. they advise different treatment for either. use a hot water pack to relax the neck muscles. sinuses can cause puffy face or pressure on the face making you feel like it's swollen when it's not.