View Full Version : I wish it would stop...

15-05-10, 20:29
I have the following symptoms

Visual disturbances - floaters, blurriness, flickering, dark shapes in vision
Headaches - sharp pains and pressure feelings
Horrible muscle twitches, particularly in my arms and more when I think about it (catch 22)
General intermittent dizziness
Memory problems, feel like I can't remember random words/names etc, things I would normally do on autopilot I really need to think about.

I feel like I am losing the plot, I am tired of assuming the worst, tired of worrying about every single thing. I worry I am going mad, that I am losing cognitive ability. I feel like I need to question everything I do and obsess over what I feel. I can look at a word and not know if it is a proper word or made up. I am generally just convinced I am losing it.

Please help me..? Beginning to lose hope.

15-05-10, 20:48
Have you seen your GP about this? All of your symptoms are consistent with anxiety and/or side effects from medication. You just have to remember you're not going mad. You have not and will not lose cognitive ability. I know I'm telling you stuff you already know, but a fear of going crazy is something I and many of us here face daily... You're not going crazy. You're going to be fine... It won't always be like this... :)

15-05-10, 20:54
I am coming up to the end of my 7th week on 10mg Citalopram. I just feel so slow and thick sometimes, struggling to read, not always being able to make sense of things as quickly as normal. It's horrible and I am really struggling with it.

Thanks for your reply.

15-05-10, 22:05
I'm on citalopram (20mg) and I'm finding memory is terrible! I can never think of words no matter how simple it is I just can't find it in my brain! I'm starting to just laugh it off now lol x

jaded jean
16-05-10, 07:17
Hi scorpion whispers.
I am on day36 of 20mg of cit. I feel this week especially that I am not taking anything at all!! I have to get my husband to prompt me wen talking to other people. I forget words when trying to descrbe stuff. one thing I dont forget to say is 'Oh S**T what word is it! I have decided as I am menopausal I can combine the 2. Give it a bit longer tho and things should start to change . We are all different taking this so results will vary person to person. I have just started wit the vivid dreams stage. Fridays dream I was in eastenders??? duf duf duf xxx
Keep the faith it will get better.

16-05-10, 10:03
do you ever pass out or have seizures or headaches that has gradually become worse as the days go by? if you do then you should get a brain scan but if you DON'T then it all fits as anxiety symptoms are i am having all the symptoms you describe except the twitching and i am not on any meds. anxiety is a real bugger.

16-05-10, 12:39
It may be more of a nervous twitch, I don't know, just everything together is getting me down when I am trying my best to get over and through everything.