View Full Version : HELP needed now please......

15-05-10, 21:15
I'm not sure what I want to say tonight but all I know is, I'm feeling bad! I feel awful...I haven't felt this low for such a long time. I'm sitting at home on my own and feel like I'm going mad. My son has gone to stay at my sisters and the thought of the long night ahead is filling me with dread. What can I do here guys...I'm feeling anxious now too. I want to sleep, but I can't.

Please somebody answer me tonight...I need help

15-05-10, 21:17
Come in chat and do the quiz with us

16-05-10, 08:13
Hi Cruzer,

Sorry you had such a bad evening...sorry was not on to reply until now, hope you joined the quiz etc. I do hope your night went o.k and you slept etc.

Sounds like you had a anxiety attack....hope it cleared away and you found peace.

Take care

16-05-10, 11:54
hope youre feeling better today sasha ........it was nice to meet you at the quiz....hope you will come in again........... feeling so bad it might have been better if you had gone to the 'help' room .....someone would have come straight to you .( just so you know for next time) ...the help room is very private ...take care xxxxxxxxxx

16-05-10, 19:59

Thanks for the messages of encouragement. I'm feeling better today thank you. I had an anxiety attack today but I managed to get it under control which is good!!

I'll defitnitely try the help room. The quiz room was good, but at that moment it was all just a bit fast you know?!

Going back to the gp tomorrow, i'll let you all know how i get on. Hopefully I'll get better advice that breathing in and out of a paper bag!!

Sasha xx

17-05-10, 07:20
Hi Cruzer,

Glad you had a better day today. Cannot believe your GP just tells you to breathe in and out of a paper bag....I sometimes think they should have a dose of what we have and then see how they like it!!! LOL!!

Anyway hope you get better advice today.

Take care