View Full Version : CBT - after the first apppointment thoughts

15-05-10, 21:31
Had my initial assessment CBT appointment on Friday May 14th - glad to say that it went well and that they feel that I may benefit from the therapy which is a bonus. I sat in with two lasses - one who will be guiding me through the CBT and the other who was doing the initial interview. Both were very nice and we had a good discussion about my anxiety problem (inc history) and what I hoped to get from the treatment.

Basically I'm not expecting the CBT to be a magic bullet for the anxiety which I suspect will be with me until the day I die, but what I hope it will give me is some different techniques and ways of thinking so when an attack does come, I can nail it down before it gets too bad. If I can achieve that, then it has worked.

I'll have an appointment every couple of weeks and the therapy will last for 8-10 sessions. Only downside is that it's taken 5 months to sort from the initial referral. This sort of treatment should be more readily available as it would save folk a lot of time and get them on the road to recovery far quicker.....

15-05-10, 21:42
i definitely agree that it should be available quicker. i am on the waiting list for cbt. doctors are all happy to give you meds and send you on your way, where is the good in that? i know CBT won't be a miracle cure, but it would be the support i need right now. I'm glad you're assessment went well though.

16-05-10, 22:20
Hopefully it won't be too long for you, amigo! The waiting time is down a lack of therapists sadly, although there is supposed to have been a drive in recent years to train more up. Unfortunately with the Tories now in, I can't see there being much spare cash for the NHS for the foreseeable future. :(

Sarah Louise
17-05-10, 22:33
I have my first CBT session tomorrow i had a assesment 12 weeks ago which approved me for CBT.

I am so nervious and i have been anxious today more than ever i have had 3 panic attacks. I no its because i am pinning everything on this to help me cope in the future.

I hope your not waiting too long for your appointment i did call a few times which i think helped to get it quicker.

Good luck everyone lets hope we get to be in control of our heads rather than our heads being in control of us.

19-05-10, 19:54
Sarah - 12 weeks seems a bit long since your assessment interview! I've got my first proper CBT apt on May 29th and it'll be every 2 weeks from then. I'll of course be feeding back on here with my progress, etc.

Sarah Louise
22-05-10, 22:53
Thats the NHS for you mate, i am now on anti depressants and thinks its because of how long i have had to wait for the appointment that now its come through i am at the all time low.

But positive thinking i may be on meds but i no i will get there let me no how your sessions go. My first one was okay she has got me writing down everytime i feel anxious and what my thoughts are and my symptoms etc

I go back every week for 20 weeks next one is WED.