View Full Version : confused and anxious

16-05-10, 03:22
i am feeling quite anxious just now, my boyfriend decided to be honest and told me that someone he went out with for a few days before he met me got in touch with him on facebook, fine okay, out of curiosity i had a look at who she was and found out thats she only 20 this year, i have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and we are in our 30's, i feel quite sick about this as he said she did not know how old she was at the time and as soon as he found out he stopped seeing her, okay she was 18 at the time but still, its making me feel anxious as i cannot stop thinking about it and now part of me wishes he had not told me about her getting in touch

i find the whole thing weird as why get in touch with someone you went out with for a few days after a couple of years

sorry my anxiety is going through the roof with this as i do not know how to act and i have told my boyfriend how it has made me feel and he said quite frankly he does not care how it has made me feel, which hurts

i do not know why i am letting this get to me so much and letting it make me so anxious :shrug::unsure::weep:

16-05-10, 10:57
Hi Moomin,

I suppose on one hand it's nice that your boyfriend wants to be honest with you, however, I understand your concerns. I also suffer with anxiety and I know that my head would be spinning too if I received news like that :huh:

Try to concentrate on how much you two have together. Two years is a solid foundation and I doubt some 20 year old would try to rock the boat. I was surprised to read that your boyf said that he didnt care how it made you feel?! Maybe if you're anxious about it you could try talking to him again to clear the air?

I hope you start to feel better about things soon.

Take care :)
Curly x

16-05-10, 11:22
I wouldnt read too much into it. I think there are a lot of people that use their friendlist on facebook as a popularity contest, ie Ive got more friends that you have, ergo im better than you!
I had a guy I met when I was about 15 (fancied him at the time) add me a few weeks ago. 14 years have passed since I saw or spoke to him!