View Full Version : Constant high heart rate, is there really NO danger in it?

16-05-10, 08:38
I'll go through whole days of my heart rate constantly pumping at around 120 bpm and beating quite hard. I know I know, it's all anxiety and not dangerous, but something about that answer doesn't quite satisfy me. Are any of you anxiety sufferers that have gone through years and years of a constant high heart rate and high blood pressure do to your anxiety? Is it really true that it has no ill effects on the heart? Yesterday I had a particularly difficult day and right now my whole body just feels awful, so it's just one of those things that has me worried.

16-05-10, 08:42
Have you had an ecg/24 hour ecg. and an Echo?

If not demand it!

When I first started getting my HA about my heart it was because it was pounding and around the 100bpm mark

After about 6 months it settled.

The 24 hour ecg will show what ur heart rate is when ur sleeping!

I bet it slows to around the 60bpm mark!

16-05-10, 08:53
I had an echo 2 years ago, about 6 EKG's (but no 24 hour monitor), seen 2 different cardiologists and yes, every one assures me nothing is wrong with my heart. I guess it's just the anxiety that's not allowing me to accept the diagnosis. Also yes, my blood pressure drops considerably when I fall asleep. The only reason I know this is from when I had my wisdom teeth out last year, the doctor said right when I was put under my heart instantly calmed down.

16-05-10, 09:51
my heart rate is always around 100bpm and i get palpitations at least 2x a day where i can feel my heart beating in my hands and feet and when i put my hands out and look at them, they look like they are shaking but that's cause of the very strong heart beats. 120bpm doesn't sound very good and high blood pressure can be dangerous, depends how high it is. blood pressure medication will sort that out. my resting heart rate many times is about 90 to 95 but my blood pressure is always 110/70 or less and the doctors told me that since my pressure is good, then the fast bpm does not matter. I got 4 ECGs done in 2 yrs and everything was good except it showed irregular beats but the doc said it was not a worry. some doctors say it's anxiety but others doctors are concerned and tell me that bpm should not be over 90 for a healthy adult.

16-05-10, 16:38
Your heart rate is constantly beating at 120? Constantly? Are you sure? Although 120 isn't a dangerous speed, for it to be beating that high all day long is unusual. Even when you're resting, does it beat that fast? I've had a fast heart rate before, right up at around 160 when I was having a panic attack but it came right down when I calmed down. You've had quite a lot of tests done to suggest that your heart is healthy, so I wouldn't worry too much but as I said before 120 all day long isn't normal. I'd pop in and see my doctor if I was you, maybe a 24hour monitor would be beneficial.

Going home
16-05-10, 17:58
Seems like you've got alot of adrenaline racing around inside....and its become a vicious circle because your anxiety about your heart is releasing more adrenaline. If you've been assured that your heart is fine then this is probably what it is. Have a word with your doctor about a low dose of beta blockers as these block the adrenaline receptors from reaching your heart so slowing it down. But if you want something more natural then exercise is good at using up extra adrenaline, or try some of the natural medications such as Kalms or Rescue Remedy etc. though they may go under different names in the US...a good pharmacisit will advise you i'm sure.

Anna xx

16-05-10, 18:17
id ask for a 24hr ecg..just to be sure that a dodgy tachy isnt to blame.

16-05-10, 23:12
When ur sleeping ur generally calm so ur levels drop. Get your adrenaline levels checked by your doc or the hospital.

17-05-10, 13:38
My heart rate is between 80-120bpm resting and reaches 140 when I'm casually walking about sometimes rare tho, I had to have an 24 hr montior due to my tachcaryia... Went to the hospital didn't even know what a panic attack was and my heartrate was 180bpm, truth is the heart is a very string muscle and can deal with alot of stress before it is damaged, my 24 hr ECG showed my heart rate goes down to 60 bpm when alseep ( also picked up I get palps, ectopics in my sleep but was assured it was fine) before my heartrate got up to 180bpm that day I had my first incident my heartrate was always 80 and now is mostly 98-110 Bpm, I brought this up to my dr and said it's perfectly normal and we all march to the beat of our own drum and it might eventually go back down. Also I find we mostly check our pulse when we are stressing out therefore it bound to be a little higher than usual. Keep safe :)