View Full Version : side effects or not? tingling lips

Lion King
16-05-10, 11:48
Hi All,

Just wondered if anyone has had the same side effect, I have been hit & miss with citalopram this week and when I have taken them it has not been the same time in the day!

For the last couple of days my lips have started to tingle and become slightly numb, weird, can't find anything on net. Just a bit worried!


16-05-10, 12:28
I had one side of my face go numb and tingly whilst I was on citalopram. I was in the grip of a health anxiety at the time, so I rushed to the doctor. Who couldnt find anything wrong. It was probably just my nerves playing up from anxiety.
I would drop into your GP tomorrow and see if they can find anything wrong. Unless its getting worse or stopping you eating/drinking or swallowing then I wouldnt worry about it too much.

jaded jean
16-05-10, 16:20
Hi lionking.
Its one of anxiety's many guises.

Lion King
16-05-10, 21:29
Thanks for the replies, my anxiety has been on the increase since my meds have been up and down. Just steadied them down now so hopefully things will resume, Its a quick reminder that the anxiety is never far tht far away!