View Full Version : nausea.

16-05-10, 14:08
I have had diarrhea for 2-3 weeks and its getting worse,i have been about 6 times today and i constantly feel nauseas.My stools look like undigested food.I think something is wrong but i know the doctor will say its anxiety.I have had anxiety symptoms before but never had this.I am worried.

16-05-10, 15:27
how many times a day do you have diarrhea and how is it getting worse?

16-05-10, 15:32
It started where i was going 2-3 times a day and now i am going about 6 times a day and i am constantly nauseas. Yesterday i had a hot flush and felt like i was going to faint and i needed to go to the toilet right away.I also have vague aches in the front left and back left.I stupidly googled symptoms and pancreatic cancer comes up,i am so worried.

16-05-10, 15:37
It could very well be Irritable Bowel Syndrome - be careful what you eat, limit your caffeine and increase your fiber. You could also take something like metamucil, because extra fiber will actually help with the diarrhea. I have IBS, and I know if I eat too much caffeine (like pop and chocolate) it is worse.

16-05-10, 15:43
would ibs make me feel constantly nauseas and passing undigested stools? If it was pancreatic cancer would there be more symptoms?

16-05-10, 17:00
would ibs make me feel constantly nauseas and passing undigested stools? If it was pancreatic cancer would there be more symptoms?

Hi OP,

Yes IBS can make you feel sick, any problem in the digestive system, i.e. indigestion can make you feel sick.

Try to eat easily digestible foods for a few days to see if that helps, and every two hours, this gives your system it easier to digest. Pancreatic cancer normally causes bad pain, try to relax and don't worry.

If things do not settle in a few days see your doctor to rule out a bug, and he will be able to give you something to settle things.


16-05-10, 17:01
would ibs make me feel constantly nauseas and passing undigested stools? If it was pancreatic cancer would there be more symptoms?
i remember one summer,,i felt sick constantly,,and as for running to the loo,,as soon as i ate anything id start running back and fourth,,the record was eight times in an hour lol,,but the more i thought about the sickness the worse it became,,it got to the point i found it hard to eat,,i lived off cuppa soups,,ive become very used to it after nearly twenty five years of stomach troubles,,calm down thats easy for me to say but try to distract yourself ,,do something you enjoy or simply put on some fave music or dvds,,and have you tried colpermin,,they are fairly exspensive but really help,,:hugs:

16-05-10, 18:02
I cant believe that ibs could make me feel so ill. Does it make you have hot flushes and generally feel unwell? Is there any medication because i cant take this constant nausea.

16-05-10, 21:57
You poor thing I really feel for you as I had the worst nausea for three months last November, Dec and January. I also passed pencil-thin stools. Everyone said it was IBS but I had no pain. The nausea would just come out of the blue and it was like I was going to throw up but I never did. Just nausea nausea and nausea hour after hour. I had lots of exploratory exams but nothing was found. My doc gave me Metoclopramide and I used to carry them around everywhere I went. Ginger never helped - nothing else did. I really think it was anxiety-related but at the time the nausea was so bad I couldn't accept it was from anxiety. I'm ok now thank God but maybe get some of these from your doctor?? Let me know if they help x x

17-05-10, 08:55
I will have to go to the doctors because i feel awful i keep waking up at 3ish sweating and feeling sick.I feel full all the time and have pains in my back and side.I know the doctor will just say anxiety but i dont think it is.