View Full Version : Anxiety over Heart

16-05-10, 16:34
Hello, i hope someone sees this post. Im new on the forums but thought id give it a go. Ive been suffereing from anxiety and panic attacks since last august. It has since manifested into a huge obsession over the health of my heart. I get palpitations wher it feels like it skips beats or flutters. Not all the time but when it happens i stop dead in my tracks and sort of, wait for it to happen again. I get completely tense and freak out. Ive recently had a 3 day ECG on my heart waiting on results now im so scared that ive something wrong. I get a tight chest sometimes but it does go when i relax after a while. I just dont want to die its ruling my life. I type things into google n it comes up with all these things i cud have wrong with my heart :( im praying to god someone whos had something similar finds this post.


16-05-10, 16:45
I think most of us with anxiety have been through this. When my panic attacks first started and when I first started dealing with anxiety, I had all sorts of experiences with my heart. Of course, this was almost 2 years ago. Most of us with anxiety also obsess over a number of different illnesses, but I can tell you, Googling will NOT help. It will only make things worse. Do not Google illnesses and find the countless webpages with worst case scenario on them.

The symptoms you are experiencing are very similar if not the same as the symptoms I experienced when I was driving my car. I would have racing heart, palpitations, sweating, and more. It would cause my to pull my car to the side of the road and just get out and freak out. I remember the first time I pulled over and tried to call my mom, but she didn't answer and it just made me bug out even more.

The key is to relax and know that this will pass over time. Try some relaxation techniques and try meditation or yoga. In the mean time, do not Google while waiting for your test results, it will only make things worse. I had a heart monitor on for a week while I was having palpitations, and it turned out only to be anxiety. Just find something else to do while you wait for your tests, but whatever you do, do not Google symptoms!

Take Care.

16-05-10, 16:52
My story is very similar to yours. My health anxiety started last August after a panic attack, I thought I was dying from a heart attack when it happened so my anxiety was about my heart afterwards.

I Googled like you, and every heart problem there was, I convinced myself of having. I had many tests done, echo, numorous ECG's, 24hour monitor, bloods etc and everything came back fine. I used to (and still do sometimes) get a tight chest, but it's down to me being anxious.

I get flutters too and skipped beats. I get strong batchs of them them every now and then, although they are scary, they are harmless. I usually get them If i've been rushing about, or being really anxious. It'll happen every couple of beats for a few minutes then they go away. Anxiety and 'ectopics' as I believe they are called go hand in hand and chances are you have had these beats before just didn't notice them because your body and mind weren't as aware or sensitive.

When you get your results back, and are told that you are fine, you will feel a great big weight off your shoulders. Try to relax in the meantime, you're fine.

Here's a website that has helped me over the past few months when I was constantly worrying about my heart, I hope it helps you too.


Please please please stop Googling your symptoms and looking up heart problems, it's only going to feed your anxiety needlessly.

Take care. :)

16-05-10, 17:07
thank u so much for replying. ive had like 5 ecgs before and they were all fine the doc at hospital said it was perfect. I dont know why i just cant comprehend that its anything else other than anxiety. All these symptoms just dwn to me worrying so much its awful. My back hurts with all my like tenseness and such. what if my heart doesnt carry on beating when it feels like it stops :(:(:(:(:(

16-05-10, 17:12
Im just so scared of dying

16-05-10, 17:16

I had the same question for my doctor when I was scared of dying from stopping breathing. The truth is, the human body has its own system of protection in it that won't let you stop breathing, unless your lungs physically have some problem that won't let them expand or contract, such as asthma, which constricts airways and makes it hard to breathe.

When adrenaline and cortisone enter the human body after the fight or flight system kicks in, these two body chemicals have two very profound effects on the body. Adrenaline makes you more hyper while cortisone calms you down. Well, when I was having palpitations, flutters, whatever you want to call them, I was afraid to even go to sleep.

I was so afraid I wouldn't wake up the next morning that I used a natural herbal remedy for a sleep aid. It worked, I slept very well, and had no panic attacks mid-way through the night.

So anyway, I asked my doctor, "What if I stop breathing?" He said it's just possible unless you have some physical condition or reaction to something. So, the thing is, your heart will keep beating, your lungs will keep breathing and you will be fine. I have been dealing with anxiety for two years now, and it has been one of the longest roller-coaster rides ever. Keep fighting it, you will come out on top!

16-05-10, 17:23
It really hurts too, not the palpitations but my ribs and back and chest hurt so much and then it goes down to my like diaphram and just feels like ive been beaten up by 30 people or something :( i just think oh palpitations and sore body i must be having loads of mini heart attacks

16-05-10, 17:24
im so sorry i must sound like such a silly woman but its so frightening

16-05-10, 17:26
Your heart won't just stop beating.

It's just not going to happen. I know your scared of dying, I think everyone is to a certain extent, but nobodys heart just stops beating for no reason. It doesn't work like that. You have had ECG's that have back fine, so you know your heart is healthy. I know it's hard not to worry, I've been there many times but please remember that our bodies are not weak, and your heart will not stop beating. Yes people do die from heart attacks and so on but there is always a reason why, whether they had heart disease, drug induced or some other medical factor. But you are not one of those people. Try your best to distract yourself until you get your results.

16-05-10, 17:31
I know, its just so wierd and difficult to believe that anxiety gives u so many physical symptoms u kno.

16-05-10, 17:50
That's just it, you know that anxiety DOES give you all of those physical symptoms. So, take it as nothing more than what you know it is: Anxiety. When you get over these feelings, take a look back at these thoughts and take a moment to think about why thinking those thoughts was irrational. It helps to prevent them from coming back.

16-05-10, 17:58
And i know this in my logical mind my concious mind. but my subconcious likes to try put its 2 pennys worth it a lot of the time. my counceller says i really need to try and work this out as he thinks its turning into an obsession

16-05-10, 18:03
Well, actually health anxiety (aka hypochondria) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), actually have very similar criteria according to the DSM IV.

Both disorders are obsessive and compulsive in nature and they both include many of the same trends and patterns. Some doctors believe Hypochondria may be a form of OCD.

It's important to establish normality in your daily routine. If you have a lot of stress, try to work it out. Maybe you can try setting up a worry diary where you write down all of your worries and then set a worry schedule and don't worry outside your worry limit.

You may also consider Relaxation methods, yoga or meditation.

16-05-10, 18:09
How would a worry schedule work?

16-05-10, 18:17
Well, a worry schedule is when you set a specific time in the day for worrying. Maybe you choose 3 O'clock for half-an-hour. Well then you would presumably try to let yourself worry only within your time zone. After that, you can't worry about anything, and any worries you have should be written down for the next worry period. It keeps your worries in check and your life in balance.

It doesn't work for everyone, but you won't know until you try.

16-05-10, 18:19
Ive been here! with the constant worry and awful symptoms related to the heart! Its terrible..I still get episodes where my heart will beat really hard and it still worries me..After the 6 resting ecg's 1 24hr tape and 5 doctors opinions! all tests normal..Doctors all said " your heart is fine! "

16-05-10, 18:33
Thanks jacob i might give that a try! and neverrelaxed. Ive had doctors, numerous visits from paramedics and to the emergency dept at hospital ive been told so many times im fine. And no matter how many times i hear ur fine it just wont sink in. I find something else to worry about. It was a blood clot i was worried about that i didnt have in real life. before the heart worrys

16-05-10, 21:47
i know exactly what you mean - I have been havign dreadful palpitations that keep me awake night after night and for the first time I couldnt go to work last week because of it. I know they are benign palpitations and there isnt anything wrong but it is hard not to think ... but what if???

You arenot alone and you are not silly for thinking these things - if you read the threads on here so many of us think so many strange things and palpitations and heart health anxiety are among the most common.

There is a symptoms section on here which explains alot about palps so have a ead of that and the other site someone suggested here.. am about to go and read that one myself!


16-05-10, 21:55
Yeah i only joined the forum today and learnt that its so common to feel this way. Not even had 1 palp today :) just tight chest etc. I am feeling so positive after reading things on this site. Suz, i always think wot if, that makes it so much worse but u just cant help it. :( xxx