View Full Version : At wits end now

16-05-10, 16:44
Well, after my last post a couple of weeks ago, i thought things were looking up. How wrong could i be...

So today, my fiancee, mother, stepdad and little sister came with me to a car boot sale. I had all intentions of staying until about 12pm, then heading back to where i work (A drive of 280 miles away). I managed until 9.30am, having started at 7.30am. All morning i felt ill at ease and unwell. It got to the point where i felt so physically sick, i told the finacee i needed to leave. She's understanding of my problems, so that wasn't a problem. I excused myself, and went outside to get fresh air. Once outside though, i just knew the feelings i were having meant i was going to vomit. So after wretching bile and feeling rough as a dog, i managed to get the car out, and get back home. Once there, my fiancee came from her car, and i just felt overwhelmed with emotion. It took me over a hour to calm down enough to talk properly (not panic attack, just anxiety).

After all that, i had to endure 4 hours driving on my own, feeling ill, with heartburn,indigestion, and nausea. The driving wasnt the problem, it was the previous episode. So now, 7 hours after being sick, im still having chest pains and feeling sick, but im putting this down to lack of food. Going to try and eat in a minute, so will see how that goes.

I think its time to actually go and see a doctor. After nearly 3 years of this, i feel like im going mad. I'm always miserable, always fed up, and lately ive become really short tempered and snappy with people. Im 23 and feel like theres no end to it, despite all the reassurance from people close to me in my life.

I think i just need SOMEBODY out there to be able to tell me im not the only one who feels like this when im out and about. Why can i do some things but not others? How come, if i go for a meal, sometimes im fine, and sometimes end up in a toilet being sick? How come, i can go spend a day out shopping all day, and then vomit at a bloody car boot sale?

Im at the end of my leash here, i just cant see the end in sight. Please somebody tell me im not the only one, and that, despite all the horridness associated with anxiety, that im not the one person who is effected by anxiety in this way...

Veronica H
16-05-10, 17:10
:hugs:Sorry you are having a bad day with your anxiety. You are not alone and many of us could have written this. It can be one step forward and two back at times. The important point is to accept it and not to be too impressed by it. This way you will have less episodes and there will be longer spells between bad ones. I am probably about 90% recovered from panic anxiety after 2yrs but it still bites me in the a*se in a big way on occasion, without warning, and in the most unlikeliest of places too. This can be unnerving but overall I am so much better. I hope this helps.


pussy cat
17-05-10, 00:20
your not on your own at all mathew as many many people feel the same as you at times - unfortunatly there appears to be no magic pill & the feelings are horrible,as you say 1 day you can be out all day & fine & another your a mess.i find that if i plan to go anywhere i,m worse so although it,s not always possible i just ad lib - if i have had to make arrangments i try to be with someone else & take everything with me tablet wise that i may need also about an hour before i go i have some rescue remedy to calm me down -it does help & i take it with me - good luck,it will get better xx :yesyes:

17-05-10, 18:16
Thanks all, ive got an appointment with the doctor for the first time on thursday. Will just have to grizz it until ten! Hopefully they can decide whats wrong with me, rather than me struggling and trying to get on with life undiagnosed. Have no idea what to expect, and actually quite worried that i might break down in the office, but will just have to see and hope that things will get better over time!

17-05-10, 18:23
What is rescue remedy?

17-05-10, 22:37

Your feeling sick and heartburn could be related to gastro-eosophagul acid reflux. It may help you to take a medication which reduces the amount of acid your stomach produces. I take lansoprazole and it reduces the amount of nausea I feel when I am anxious. It is a prescription medication but a fairly common one for people to be prescribed. Ask your GP if he/she thinks it might be something you could try. Also think about what you want to say to the GP and write a list so that you don't forget anything important.