View Full Version : Hi- 22 year old struggerling with Anxiety and Panic attacks

16-05-10, 18:02
Hi, I am 22 and have been struggerling with Anxiety and panic attacks for about 3/4 years now!!
I struggle with crowded,busy and social situations. I experience dizzyness,tightness in the throat, tightness in stomach, nausea,tingling sensations and feeliong hot.
It has ristricted my quality of life because of having panick attacks in public places I now avoid these situations and now has made it even harder for me to go out. I used to love going clubbing,pubs,out for meals and now these are all my worst nightmares.
I Just feel so alone and I am the only person going through this. Thats is why I wanted to join ad speak to other people who understand.
Would love to hear from other people who feel the same.

Many Thanks

16-05-10, 18:04
Hi dannibarbie2009

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-05-10, 18:19
When I just read the problems/anxieties you were going through, I could instantly relate. Im 21 years old and suffer from social anxieties (such as yourself) and catastrophisising (worrying alot). I tend to get very paranoid when I'm out in public places, especially when theres lots of people around (e.g. city centres, clubs, gig venues, supermarkets...etc), and feel that everyone is staring at me and/or thinking negative thoughts. This makes my heart beat faster, and I tense up both in the body and the face, which unfortunatly I am unable to hide. So people can tell I'm very nervous, and my friends have noticed this too.

My friends are sympathetic but dont fully understand what its like to be living with these problems, so it makes me think I'm crazy at times (even thought I know I'm not).

Anyways I apologise for writing an essay, but it'd be great if you wanted to talk, as Im all ears.

Take Care.

16-05-10, 18:26
I too can relate. Been in that situation SO many times....makes me just want to run away and hide. Sorry to hear you're suffering with it. Do you ever get the feeling you're going mad - i do!! :wacko:

There are many people on here who can help you through the hard times. I find the chat room really useful when I'm feeling low or anxious.

Take care and remember, you're not alone.
Hugs :hugs:
Curly x

16-05-10, 19:57
Hi Curly,

Thankyou for your reply,
It is amazing how a few words from people can be so reassuring on how you are not alone and alot of people everyday go through the same things as I do.
Hope you dont mind me asking but what triggers your anxiety? And how do you cope? Any recommended treatments?

Many Thanks Again for your reply.
Danielle x

08-07-10, 12:01
Hi there. I suffer with panic & anxiety, have done all my life.

08-07-10, 17:13
Just wanted to throw my thoughts in as well because I need to raise my hand and say, I can relate exactly. You asked about triggers and coping and two great questions. For me, the trigger can be one of two things. Either a thought (noticed or unnoticed) that something's not right or a physical sensation of some kind that makes me think something bad is about to happen to my body. As far as coping, the very best way for me is to tell myself I don't care if anything happens. It's the believing that matters for this one. Hope you find lots of support here, Danielle.

09-07-10, 10:49
Hi Danni,

When you are having a panic attack - what are you most concerned about? When I have panic attacks, I'm either terrified I'll stop breathing or will die. Do you feel like this? If so, I've found that physical exercise really helps. This might sound crazy, but sometimes I've been in my lounge and started to have a panic attack, so I jumped up and started dancing around the room. I think because I was making my heart work faster, it took away the fear of not being able to breath, because I was concentrating more on what my legs and arms were doing!

I completely know how you feel though, I've been suffering with panic attacks, on and off, for the last 7 years, and they have really affected my life at times. But I need to tell you that it does get better. Reading information on panic has helped me so much, and helped me to realise that what I'm feeling isn't life threatening, it's just all part of my anxiety.

Another thing I sometimes do is play the 'what if' game - you say that your panic has stopped you from going out, etc. Why don't you ask yourself (when you're more calm, and not in panic mode), what are you most scared of when you're out? For example, you might be scared of fainting? Ask yourself, what is the worst thing that could happen and then plan a strategy around that. That way, next time you're out and start feeling nervous, you'll have a strategy in place which should help calm you down?

I hope this has helped you a bit.

10-07-10, 05:42
i can relate too, am 26 and used to love going out all the time. ive been suffering with agoraphobia and anxiety and depression since nov 09. am still waiting for the help i need to learn how to controll these. any help would be greatfull as well as i cant bring myself to leave house other than doc appointments and need people with me all the time. my family are supportive but dont understand and i feel like im mad most of the time

Kipepeo Girl
10-07-10, 23:39
Hi Danni.
I'm 22 too and I completely understand how you feel. I would love to go clubbing and stuff (I've had this anxiety since I was 15 so I've never actually been!) but I hardly leave my house because of the fear of having a panic attack while out.

It's really reassuring to read that you're not alone in the way you feel, so I definitely suggest reading more around the forum.

Good luck. :)