View Full Version : So stressed

16-05-10, 18:08
Sorry to keep posting , i just cant cope. I have had joint pain for nearly six months, its better then it was but it hasn't gone completley.I feel very stiff in the mornings , especially my back.
At the moment i can't stop going to the loo , im sure its probably stress.
Have gp aptment on Friday , will ask for another rheumatology aptment, first one was abrupt and unhelpful.
Also got pins and needles in fingers.
Please advise its just too much and i feel so desperate and that i cant go on..

16-05-10, 21:25
Hi pb,
Ive had recurring joint and muscular pain for 10 years now. It seems better when the weather is warmer. Mostly its my neck and shoulders, sometimes my hips. Also get occasional wrist, elbow,ankle joint pain.
My doc told me recently from blood tests that no inflammation showing and was likely seasonal or possible fibromyalgia but I didnt get refered as he said from my blood tests I was physically too well...

16-05-10, 21:31
Pins and needles in fingers is hyperventalation. slow ur breathing dwn, u may not think ur breathin too quick but thats wot the pins and needles r. Cup ur hands around ur mouth and breath for about 1 to 2 mins slowly. Its where the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen gets screwy u need more carbon dioxide. ive had this its very wierd but that is what it is xxx

17-05-10, 09:36
Are you on meds? Cit can cause these symptoms.

18-05-10, 08:36
Im just on diclofenic for joint pain - i just feel so scared, woke up this morning and my back was really stiff.It just feels endless, so worried that my health will get even worse. I know i need to get a definate diagnosis..