View Full Version : 21 Struggerling Panic attacks/Anxiety feel alone

16-05-10, 19:06

I am 21 and going 22 these are supposed to be the best years of your life care free, going out to pubs clubs social events and meeting new people and dating. But not for me.
My life is a daily struggled I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for 3/4years now.
I have been on citalopram but eventually I have come down from 40mg to 10mg as was not doing anything for me. That was the worst month in my life coming off them I got really bad withdrawal symptoms has anyone else found this??
When I have panic attacks I suffer with dizzyness,nausea,gagging,hot,tingling sensation,throat tightening and sometimes sick.
Situations which are enclosed busy,crowded i.e restaurants,clubs,pubs etc places where there is no easy access to get out If i have a panic attack.

I feel so alone I have a goosd group of friends but I am not able to do everything they do. I feel the odd one out I used to be so out going and loved going out and now evereything i used to love are my worst nightmare.
I am 21 nearly 22 and I can rarely go out or if I do I just cope rather than enjoy. I feel like I live to survive rather than live to enjoy my life. Does anyone feel like this??
If I cant go out and meet people how will i ever meet a boyfriend??

I just feel everything is getting on top of me. Would love to hear from people who feel the same, any good advice, or treatments for panic/anxiety.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this

Danielle xx

16-05-10, 19:15
Hey Danielle,

I am a guy 22 years old (nearly 23) and I feel much the same as you. I can't really give you a lot of details because I have only just started having panic attacks a month ago. But I am hopeful that all these fears will eventually subside.

I think take it slowly, start doing exercise and take walks and get yourself not to feel so nervy going out. Then eventually try getting in the social circle among close friends. There are many people who have very normal lives despite having been panic disorder sufferers. So don't give up and keep working at it :)

16-05-10, 20:30
Hi Danielle.

Seeing as you gave me such good advice thought i would give you some back. Your exactly the same age as me i only turned 22 in april and im like yourself in the fact that i used to be really outgoing and loved going out. I totally agree in the fact that these should be the best years of our lives when we go out and have no worries or cares.

I to have an amazing group of friends who admittly without them i wouldnt have gotten through this, I always find it good that if we all want to do something even if they can come to mine then atleast im in my 'Safe Place' it can be hard as lot of them have children/married etc.

As for the boyfriend part i know its not the most ideal way but i actually met my boyfriend through mutual friends on facebook. You will find a nice guy and they will help you alot. I would be lost without mine im actually suprised hes not ran away by now but hes stuck by me. If you want someone to chat to like i said im around the same age as you.

Take care.


16-05-10, 20:47
Hiya danielle, my names tash and dont worry you are definately not alone. Im going to be 23 next week and yeah these shud be the best years of our lives! But unfortunately we are both sufferening from panic attacks. Let me tell u it will get better it doesnt feel like it will, but it will. Ive only been having them since last august but already i can feel it getting better, i have bad days and good days. Im not there yet, but i will be and so will you. xxx

16-05-10, 20:48
And danielle i dont know if this would be good for u but i know of a helpline for people suffereing i was working voluntary for them but found it difficult with me still suffereing myself. Its a really good helpline and the people on it are lovely. If you would like ill pm u the telephone number?

17-05-10, 06:48
Hey , i'm 20 , going to be 21 in july !

Just wanted to say i know exactly how you're feeling , i developed my anxiety just under a year ago and it has been one hell of a horrible struggle since !
I started university and moved away from home just after i developed the anxiety which was heartbreaking because i was looking forward to 'the student years' .
I couldn't go out on the benders that all my uni friends did because i'd be riddled with anxiety , it was almost impossible for me to sit in lectures because i'd be shaking with nerves , the whole experience was just a daily struggle of what felt like life or death .
I subsequently had to suspend my studies and i am currently on the mend .

I am waiting for therapy on the NHS and have my first appointment in 2 weeks time . The only help i've had this past year has been from propranolol (beta blocker which has saved my life !) and from my incredible supportive family who without them , i doubt i'd be here right now ...

i am by no means cured , but i have come so so far from the depths that i have been at !

you have to push yourself . you have to force yourself to go out with your friends even when you're trembling with fear , you have to force yourself to go round to the local shop to pick up bread , you have to force yourself to get out of bed every morning ! I'm still learning this lesson now , and i too still feel like i'm 'coping' ... but it gets easier the more and more you do it and i have had moments of enjoyment , times where i've laughed my heart out and not thought about my anxiety in that moment ! it's so satisfying when you've accomplished something you told yourself you wouldn't be able to do .

As i've discovered , there is no miracle cure , medicines can help temporarily , counseling can get to the root of the problem but ultimately the only person that can cure us is ourselves , we have to accept that we have anxiety , accept that we have irrational fears , and try our best to live our lives the way WE want to , not tailor everything to suit the anxiety .

Keep telling yourself that it's not going to ruin your life and soon enough you'll start to believe it :-) XX

17-05-10, 09:00
As i've discovered , there is no miracle cure , medicines can help temporarily , counseling can get to the root of the problem but ultimately the only person that can cure us is ourselves , we have to accept that we have anxiety , accept that we have irrational fears , and try our best to live our lives the way WE want to , not tailor everything to suit the anxiety .

Keep telling yourself that it's not going to ruin your life and soon enough you'll start to believe it :-) XX

Here here! xx

17-05-10, 10:19
hi dannielle im new to all of this forum thing. i am a 21 year old lad with anixety and its starting to ruin everything but my mum and dad dont understand. these should be the best years of my life but are turning into a nightmare. got medication now and starting counselling so hopefully should be okay and get back to work. i want to tell my freinds about it but im so embarrased about it all co they might laugh. i am also makng up every excuse in the book not to go out and socalise like go pub. ive had girlfreinds but have all not work out due to my anixety. how am i going to get a girlfreind

18-05-10, 01:14
i'm 19, nearly 20 and i totally feel your pain.

it's horrible but i totally believe we can get through this.

for example, yesterday and today i totally surprised myself: spent 3 hours in the car yesterday being driven up to uni, spent the night in halls and then today i sat in the sports centre in a hall full of about 400 students and i stayed there for the whole 1 1/2 hours whilst i did my 1st exam, albeit very badly, but i still did it. and then came back to london today which took another 3 hours.

anyway, my point is, i get the hugest panic attacks from being in a rooms full of people, especially if i know i'm not allowed to leave. so that was a massive step for me. so i think there's definitely hope there and i hope to be back out at night soon because i don't like my reputation as a party animal to disappear!!

have hope and i'm sure it will all be right in the end

19-05-10, 12:22
I know how you feel, im 18 and all my friends are outgoing and confident. I have always had trouble with my nerves and anxiety but since i lost my job my confidence has gone down hill. I would be that way if i was not suffering from anxiety attacks, i would love to go and eat in a resturant just something as little as that but i cant deal with crowed busy places. I would also love a boyfriend but im afraid no-one will ever want me coz i suffer with me nerves and anxiety. I wish i could be normal and go anywhere without worrying and getting nervous.I would love to go back to college and meet new people but that is my worse nightmare being in groups. I get ashamed of myself all the time and depressed. I know i am going to have to speak to the doctor again and tell him everything. I also might try cbt see if that will help. Everything is worth a try. Good luck hun x

19-05-10, 14:25
Andromeda -
How do you get yourself going?
Do you have feelings of unreality at time and if so, how do you push yourself through those?
I also try to just push myself to do things. I take Ativan 1 mg in the morning and a .5 at noon. My mornings are the worse - feel really gaggy, can't eat, so lose weight.

20-05-10, 18:16
just wanted to say i completely understand how you feel. i am 22, 23 in august and anxiety is stopping me from living, i am just existing, struggling through each day and not making big decisions to push myself. it's horrible and if anybody wants to PM me feel free to have a whinge or we can all have a whinge here together haha. xx

20-05-10, 20:47
anyone on facebook