View Full Version : A new beginning???

16-05-10, 19:19
Hello everyone,

I started taking citalopram 5 days ago. I was meant to start taking them 2 weeks ago but did not.
In fact, the first time I was on them, about 1 year ago, the tablets made me feel very suicidal so after two weeks I stopped taking them.
Now Im back on them. I do not feel suicidal and do not have many side effects apart from being lightheaded and tired. But then again, I was always tired before taking them.
Citalopram was prescribed to me because I suffer a lot from stress and anxiety. As well as feeling rather depressed.
I am not yet ready to tell any of you why I became so stressed but all I can say is that after 3 years of feeling the way I do I really need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I know it will take time and effort but I wish the recovery could be faster.
I am trying to hold on to hope because hope is what I need.
I like it when my house is clean and tidy but lately I did not do much cleaning and that made me feel a hundred times worse. Yesterday I build up the energy to tidy up my kitchen. I feel so much better for it now. I guess it is going to be one step at a time.
I just do not feel like doing much. I think too much about the past and about what the future will be like. I spend so much time thinking that my life is passing me by. I know I should get up and do things but can hardly bring myself to do so.
I really hate being me. Being weak.
Lately, I have read a lot about citalopram. There are many good reviews and this has given me hope.
I found this forum by accident really. I really liked Psychopoet "survival guide".
I must say I am really glad to have found this forum and hope to find the extra help I need.
Thank you for reading me!
Hope x

16-05-10, 19:25
Hi Hope33

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-05-10, 20:11
Thank you Diane07 :flowers:
I have already read many of the threads and they give me hope.
Im attempting to summon the courage to get off my backside and tidy up my bedroom. So much paperwork to sort out too!
I forgot to say that im on 40mg of citalopram. I was only meant to take 20mg but thought it may work quicker by taking 40mg. I know most of you will say that I should not have done that but to be honest with you I do not get bad side effects. I do get sweaty hands and feet. I feel lightheaded too but this could be because I do not eat regularly. I find it hard to sleep at night but I was having trouble sleeping before taking citalopram. I still have the sleeping tablets (zopiclone) my gp gave me and that help me sleep. My heart is not constantly racing so i think maybe the citalopram is working but I still feel quite worried and think too much. Way too much!

Vanilla Sky
16-05-10, 20:15
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

16-05-10, 23:05
Thank you Paige!
Can't stop yawning even though Im not tired. I get a weird feeling that only last for a couple of seconds after I yawn but it feels nice though. I wonder if it is a side effect of citalopram?

20-05-10, 21:37
Well, I saw my gp two days ago and told her that i was taking 40mg of citalopram instead of 20mg. She said it was quite a high dose to start with. I told her a little lie and said that i thought i was meant to take 1 tablet twice a day. I explained that I did not get many side effects and thus would rather remain on 40mg. I was taking 1 tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening. I tend to get sleepy during the day but find it hard to sleep at night -but then again, i have had trouble sleeping before being on AD. I am now taking 40mg two to three hours before bedtime instead of splitting the dose. I am hoping to get to sleep more easily tonight. I still get anxious and worried but i guess it is still early days. I really do hope that the tablets will help me cope better with all the traumatic events i have to deal with at the moment.