View Full Version : Hey im tash

16-05-10, 21:15
Hey guys im Natasia (pro nounced natasha)

Im 22 nearly 23, suffer from panic attacks, general anxiety, and im not sure wot it comes under but im constantly worrying that ill die from a heart condition.

Id love to hear from anyone who wants to talk about their experiances. I think part of recovery is sharing with people who truely know and have been through it themselves.


16-05-10, 21:16
Hi gladyscourt

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-05-10, 23:56
Hi Natasia,
I too suffer from anxiety but also from depression.
Have you spoken to your gp re. your fear of dying?
Are you taking any medication (citalopram or others)?
Hope you feel better soon! :-)

17-05-10, 09:03
Hey hope, yeah my gp knows, i go to councelling been on citalopram. i weened myself off them recently tho as i wanted to do this myself because i know i can. Thats wot im telling myself anyway hehehe