View Full Version : Hello again :(

16-05-10, 21:48
I was a regular poster to NMP a couple of years ago after I had a nervous breakdown, exacerbated by social phobia.

I'm rejoining NMP as, guess what, I have just had another breakdown! In January I moved to a new job in Ireland after 9 months on the dole in the UK. It has proved more than I can cope with - the job is unbearably stressful and I feel so far away from anyone who cares about me.

I am currently off sick with stress and depression, and I think I am going to have to jack the job in and move back to the UK. Not sure exactly what I'm going to do, but I know I can't go on in this situation. There are virtually no jobs in my line of work in the UK and it's an employer's market, meaning that only the perfect candidate gets the job. I'm not really the perfect candidate for any job, with my mental health problems! Oh well.

I just thought I would reconnect with NMP, as I found it a help in the past.

Best wishes to everyone,


16-05-10, 21:50
Hi Franz

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-05-10, 23:12
Hi Franz

I remember you from your time here before, I'm sorry that things haven't worked out as you hoped they would.

Without wishing to sound unbearably chirpy, you have managed to overcome your problems before and I'm sure you can do so again, I appreciate what a difficult time this must be for you.

I won't say glad to see you back (you know what I mean!) but here's hoping you can get the support that you need from the forum again. :)

16-05-10, 23:39
Hi Franz
My goodness you've been through some extremely stressful life events. Moving is a tough one and starting a new job is also very stressful-you must be exhausted !

Welcome (back) to NMP -you're among people who care for you !


17-05-10, 12:34
Thanks for the replies - much appreciated.

17-05-10, 20:35
Hiya and welcome back, i do remember you from before, sorry to hear of youir breakdown, u will get lots of support here, hugs xx

17-05-10, 21:11
Hi Franz,

I can relate, as I had a relapse last week. Ended up back at the docs. So sorry to hear things haven't worked out for you as planned.

Plenty of help at hand for you here.

Big hugs :hugs:
Curlz x

Veronica H
17-05-10, 22:15
:bighug1:Hi Franz. You did so well to recover and to move away like that. You carried on living your life and that is worth celebrating. I am sorry that it has proved to be too much at the moment, but I am sure you learned alot the first time around and this should help in your recovery this time. This is a setback but you have more work experience on your CV than i have over the last three years, and even if you decide to take a less stressful job this will have helped your job prospects. Stay positive.
