View Full Version : Lymph nodes

16-05-10, 21:53
6 months ago I had tonsillitis. I havent been right since then really-My left tonsil is still very swollen and I keep getting infection after infection (water,breast, throat, coldsores etc). This last week I have developed tonsil stones (white bacterial debris which forms in the tonsil pocket) also my lymph node on the right hand side of my neck is swollen and has been since I had tonsillitis. I do have health anxiety which is why I havent been back to the doctors but I am very worried that I have lymphona or cancer in my lymph gland. I am very tired nearly all of the time to the point where I dont feel like I am in the room I have also been getting breathless alot. I have never had a panic attack in the 2 years I have had HA but everytime I go to the docs he is too quick to diagnose anxiety. I am concerned that If i dont get my tonsil sorted out its only a matter of time before I do get cancer somewhere because the tonsil is the gateway to the immune system. I have no immune system-I breastfed my son for the last 7 months and he was coughing sneezing wheezing and weepy eye and as soon as I stopped feeding him his face is clear and hasnt so much as coughed so obviously my milk must have been infected too. What is wrong with me. Also the last couple of months I have been getting a stabbing pain in my temple-its not a headache its more of a pain like someone has stabbed my head, it makes me wince for a second and then the pain has gone. Anyone know what causes this? I have also had constipation for the last 6 months another sign that somet could be wrong with the lymph glands

16-05-10, 22:37
hi pigtail do you wanna chat in the chat room for a bit as i am worried about a 'lumpy' neck too!

17-05-10, 10:18

I know how you feel with regards to lumps and being scared of lymphoma etc.

Back in June 2009, i had a few months where i just couldn't seem to get rid of thrush (sorry tmi) I then noticed i had 2 lumps come up down below. I didn't panic at first and thought i would go and see my gp. I mentioned it to a friend (probably the worst thing i could of done) and she told me to google it.. so i did. And thats when my HA really started. everything pointed towards lymphoma and nothing else. I made an appointment with my gp who said she wasn't sure what they was but she knew they wasn't lymph nodes so she got another gp to come in who said they were cysts and could be caused because of the thrush.. Two doctors later and they have all said cysts.. i began to deal with it.. but then i started feeling two lumps either side of my chin and they felt huge - straight away i knew they had to be enlarged lymphnodes because of what i had read and went straight into a panic.. i then went and seen my gp who told me they were not lymph nodes but my vochal chords (or something along those lines) and when i swallowed they Moved.. i got over it.. and then now i have a Lump in my wrist - googled and guess what lymphoma came up!!!! What im trying to say is.. if you type in google about any kind of lump it will alway say lymphoma. and half the time its far from the truth - just likes to send our HA straight up! I would go to your gp, speak about your concerns fully and listen to your gp or if you really feel its nescarry as for a second opionon like i did (in my case i asked 4 diff docs) and they all said the same.. although not a day goes by where i don't panic about it - and everything comes back. Hope this helps..
I also have a very lumpy neck and it always feels painful too - sometimes i get so scared to feel i panic.. and then once ive felt my neck i end up feeling my underarms and groin too - and im back to square one... I do personally blame this on google!!
and with regards to infections : I have re-ocuring thrush and UTI's and its been worrying me but they seem to think its not a cause for concern so i suppose i should trust my gp.

Hope you can stay positive...

17-05-10, 10:48
I can completely sympathise with what you are going through.

I had one tonsil larger than the other and googled it and got the shock of my life and spiralled into a massive panic. There are all sorts of articles on there about HPV causing tonsil cancer etc and I was beside myself with worry, please don't do the same

Went immediately to my GP got referred and saw an ENT surgeon. He said nothing to worry about they just look like nasty. Anyway he could see I was in a right state, and said let's just whip them out and you can get on with your life.

So I went for the op and guess what, no cancer! It was just some bacteria that caused the swelling.

Anyway where was I going with this, oh yes one of my lymph nodes was up in my neck and he said it's a reactive swelling because of the larger tonsil I had.

My advice would be to get referred to an ENT surgeon just to rationise your fear and for reassurance; sometimes GPs have to be bamboozled into it. Take someone with you if they don't take you seriously. When you see the ENT surgeon he'll have a look and he will be able to tell you what's going on and if there is any doubts believe me they will act. If they tell you not to worry, please don't, I wish I had taken his word that all was ok.

Hope this helps and please don't worry, easier said than done I know!

18-05-10, 21:03
sorry random worry I logged off quite quickly after I had posted this thread. Thanks for your replies everyone, still worried so have booked appt for Friday.