View Full Version : Traveling Alone With Anxiety and Health Concerns

17-05-10, 02:25
I have booked a two-week trip to the US and Canada for just under a month's time, will be traveling alone, and I am beginning to regret it.

I have suffered from anxiety for coming up to 10 years (I am 25), and though it isn't as frequent and tense as it used to be, it is still a big concern of mine, particularly health anxiety...

... Which sort of links to a terrible acid reflux problem I have. I am on medication and I control my diet as best I can, but anxiety seems to trigger it... =/

I fear over my breathing (will I stop/lose control of it/have a heart attack), and over my heartburn causing this... as well as difficulty swallowing, which the excess mucus seems to cause. And of course, all of this happening in a foreign country when I am by myself.

I can bear this all at home, but I am feeling increasingly scared (and perhaps foolish) for booking this trip away... which is only going to increase my levels of stress... when I still don't feel one hundred percent better. I suppose I was a bit fed up and wanted to prove that this isn't going to get the better of me.

Can anyone offer and reassurance or advice? It's 2.20am and I'm awake frightened at the thought of this all. :weep:

17-05-10, 06:25
i travelled on my own about a month ago . I , too , was absolutely terrified of 'what might happen' and more importantly whether or not i'd be able to cope !

I assume you have your health / travel insurance sorted out ?! worst case scenario if something terrible happens you can see a doctor over there , it's america so you'll have no problem getting help if it's needed (even though you'll be fine)

do it for yourself , do it to prove that your anxiety doesn't control you and you are not prepared to tailor your life to it ! you might surprise yourself by being completely anxiety free , thats what happened to me anyway ! I was so worried and stressed and tense about GOING , that by the time i got there it wasn't nearly as bad as i had feared and was able to attempt to relax and enjoy myself .

no one knows what's going to happen tomorrow , so it's important to do what we want to do TODAY ! you will have an amazing time :-) XX

17-05-10, 09:19
I take my hat off to you, I know I couldn't do it. Just think how strong you will feel when you have done it, you will be so proud that you didn't let your anxiety beat you!!