View Full Version : Terrified of dentist

17-05-10, 07:06
I've got a dentists appointment at 9 30 and I'm absolutely bricking it now. I've got a sore gum with a lump and I'm scared he's gonna tell me it's something really bad. Omg. My mind won't stop going over and over.

17-05-10, 09:04
I'm sure everything will be fine, you probably have an infection there that some antibiotics will clear up quickly.
I totally understand your fear of going to the dentist, I really should go but I'm too scared, haven't seen a dentist for 16yrs now but my wisdom tooth is just coming through & giving me awful pain & looks as if it hasn't got enough room to come through, I come from a family with small mouths that are over crowded with teeth (so lucky) so I know sooner or later I will have to pluck up the courage to go too.
Good luck xx

17-05-10, 10:38
Hi hun

Firstly dont panic - and don't be scared. ( i know easier said then done) i suffer really bad with gums. they bleed alot, always pink and are sore. its been worse since i was pregnant but ive always had it.. i know it can be a sign of bad things but because ive had it along time ive kinda ignored it. (my front teeth are not aligned properly so they think this is the main cause). I two had a few lums come up just above my jaw below the bottom gums and they were absesses. I had a course of antis.. and they didn't work soo i lost my tooth (wasn't a bad thign when i seen had bad it was! and it was a back tooth anyway) So this could be the case for you, just a simple infection or abscess and they are so common!!

hope it all goes ok, keep positive xx

17-05-10, 14:45
Amazing that I find so many people like me on this website. I made a concious decision 18 years ago what I wouldn't be back to the dentist, and vowed to brush my teeth 2times a day to make sure I never had to go back. However about 2 months ago, my filling fell out in my back tooth and after a couple of days the pain was unbearable. I decided I had no option but to go find a dentist. I got a really modern and expensive:( dentist that asked me why I had a fear.... I said I didn't want to ever have to wear dentures. They said that modern dentistry technology means no one ever has to wear dentures if they don't want it (implants, veneers etc). I was quite reassured by it all. So after a thorough examination I was told the course of treatments that I would need, and NONE of them required extractions! Root Canals, yes, fillings yes, veneers yes.... but I will keep my own teeth.

My question to you is what is the worst they can tell you?!? Cause whatever it is, the technology is there to fix you up as good as new. I sat through 2.5hrs of Root Canal treatment and didn't feel a thing... it was amazing. Its not like it was 18 years ago.... please don't be worrying.

Please let us know how you got on?

19-05-10, 20:37
ok im gonna ramble now so bear with me please because i really need some reassurance/advice from somebody.......

right....i went to the dentist and ive seen a different one as mine was off sick, so he had a good look in my mouth at the sore gum and he pressed and poked and tapped etc he said he could see nothing sinister or otherwise, and because of the positioning of it he suspected its sinus related :shrug:.......

now 4 weeks ago i did have antibiotics for a sinus infection affecting the other side of my face (not gums tho) but they didnt seem to do much anyway and then i came down with a cold, and the dentist said the lumps are really not anything to worry about.....(like thats gonna happen).

so ive got more antibiotics from doc and have started them but the only thing is i dont seem bunged up at all so im fretting that doc and dentist are missing something.

The advice i want is for this........i have now seen 3 different dentists about my mouth and they all dont seem concerned about my lumpy gums or the soreness, so should i just STOP with the worrying or is it really possible that they could have missed something? do they often miss things? am i being stupid now its just that its really bringing me down and im already down quite far......

its like a soreness and pressure on my gum and roof of my mouth on the top gum of right side......does this sound like anybody elses experience of sinus problems/infections because ive never really suffered with it before......oh im fed up this is rubbish!

anybodys experiences/advice/help would be greatly appreciated im going out of my mind......jaw aches now......:weep:

19-05-10, 22:25
I get TMJ with my anxiety. Infact I have it right now. It makes my jaw hurt a lot. It's just the tension in there. Perhaps could it be that? I too have a huge dental fear and worried it was teeth etc, and turns out it was just that... annoying as it is.