View Full Version : Really bad palpatations - how long do they last??

17-05-10, 11:26
Hi everyone.

I have not posted on this forum for a long time but I've had the onset of quite bad palpatations again. We are trying to move house at the moment and I know that this is making me stressed, but the palps have been occuring for the last two weeks or so. I'm getting the tingling in my hand too with a very mild shortness of breath (although this only lasts for a minute or two at a time). The horrible thing is that as soon as I wake up in the morning, my anxiety hits me like a sledgehammer and I start freaking out almost straight away.

I could really do with any words of encouragement that these symptoms don't sound like a precursor to a heart attack and are probably more to do with my anxiety.

Any words of encouragement appreciated.


17-05-10, 12:45
Hello Dan,
Moving house is one of the most stressful situations you can be in. It sounds as though your palpitations are a symptom of this. The more you worry about palpitations the more they persist - I've been there!! In themselves they are completely harmless and will calm down when you do. The tingling hands and shortness of breath are also symptoms of anxiety, but you are better to get yourself checked out by your gp so that your mind is put at rest that it's anxiety that's causing the symptoms - which I'm sure it is. I have found that they return whenever I am stressed or tired although they don't worry me now. I now feel that it's as though your heart has developed a "sixth sense" to whenever you are stressed!! Try not to worry about it and don't let it stop you living a normal life and doing things. Once you have moved and settled then I'm sure you will be more relaxed. You are not alone.
Myra x

17-05-10, 14:35
I'm going through the palps as well at the moment, they've been with me for the last week or so.... I can be months without them and then suddenly they're there! Thing is, its a vicious circle, once they happen, the more you worry about them "is this going to be a heart attack, is this the beginning of the end, etc).... the more you start worrying about them, the more they happen. It is just horrible and I'm totally with you.
It pretty much takes over your every thought throughout the day, doesn't it? There is no magic wand to just make them stop, apart from trying to reason with yourself.... these are not going to kill you, they are just an annoyance. Thats what we need to keep telling ourselves.
Believe you me, I'm as scared as you when it happens; and thats pretty much throughout the day. However, Its slightly different for me... I wake up feeling really quite good, then something/someone/someplace will bring a negative thought into my head and then all of a sudden, the palps happen. I think its the adrenalin in the blood stream that does it....
Keep thinking possitive and don't fret.....

17-05-10, 14:39
Hi Dan

Having palpitations is a vicious cycle - the more you focus on them, the worse they get!! I am in the same boat at the moment but having a lot of ectopic beats too. Maybe go to see your GP just to put your mind at rest but your symptoms are classic anxiety - your body is in "fight or flight" mode and producing lots of adrenelin which causes the symptoms.

14-11-10, 17:01
i can join the club too!!! ive been getting skipped beats/eptopics too for 2 months, pretty constant!! ive been to the drs twice and was told they are harmless, if i feel my pulse i feel a skip. horrible things! but i think im stuck in that vicious circle, i wake up dreading ANOTHER day of them, maybe this brings them on. I dont know, ive had these skipped beats before, but they have gone away. this time i cant shake them off. ruines your life! but if you google them, even that you SHOULDNT!! loads of people get them, and they truly are harmless, would we all still be here if they wernt!! xx i had a few too many gassy beers one night, and bang thats when they started!

14-11-10, 20:31
Hello from the U.S.!! I agree...I go sooo long with no palps, then boom..they start up again and the panicky feelings start..it's exhausting. It takes me weeks to get over an episode. I am 48 and have been dealing with them since I was a teen...if they were going to kill me I guess they would have by now. I have missed out on alot of experiences because of them which makes me sad and angry at my response to them..thanks for this site!

15-11-10, 11:58
At night might can happen what feels like constantly or ever 1-2 beats for a while at a time. What helps me is to stand upright and drink a HUGE glass of water. Also to minimize stress levels.