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17-05-10, 13:03

I've been on citalopram for almost a year now and recently had my dose increased to 60mg as my anxiety was getting really bad. The doc also told me to breathe in and out a paper bag when having an anxiety attack...helpful...not!!

Anyway, went back to docs today and was given propanalol, 20mg twice a day.

Does anbody else take this with citalopram and is propanalol good for anxiety??

Sasha x

17-05-10, 13:49
Hi Sasha

I love the paper bag one, I'd like your Dr to experience an anxiety attack and see how he feels with the paper bag!!

I took propranalol before I took citalopram and I was not very good on them. I do know people who take them and they work well for them, but for me they were no good, in fact I felt quite ill on them. Then put on citalopram and 7 months later feel so much better.

I know there are people on here who take both at the same time, hopefully they will be able to help you. I was given propranalol for what they said was high blood pressure and was told by that Dr that they were given to snooker players to stop them getting anxious before a match!! As I don't play snooker I can't comment on that one :-) but as I say they didn't really help me but they may help you.

Hope you are feeling better today. I'm at work and just been out for a nice walk, although the sun isn't shining now and looks as though it is going to rain!! Where is our summer?!?!

All the best to you

Jannie x x

17-05-10, 14:03
Hi I was on citalopram and propranalol a few years ago. Theres no problem taking them both.
As for propranalol its original use was for patients with high blood pressure, but they discovered that it stops the body from reacting to adrenaline. This isnt a total block, but it takes the edge off of panic.
As Jannie says they are presribed to people who need to keep a steady hand, theyre also given to people before driving tests to stop their nerves getting too much.
Im on them again now and it really helps with the shaking I would get from my anxiety. I find they take about 30 mins to get into my system.

17-05-10, 15:12
Hi Ladies

Thanks for the advice...I'll take my first dose this evening and let you know how I get on. Keeping it all crossed!!

Sasha xx

18-05-10, 12:16
I took mt first dose of propanalol last night and to be honest...I still felt anxious and it took me about 2 and a half hours to get get to sleep! Took another 20mg this morning and feel a little spaced out...and tired!! I'm not sure I'm going to last the whole day at work to be honest!!

Also, got into work today and found out that everybody knows about my "health problems"...this is BAD. That's a breach of confidentiality right?? Not sure what I'm going to do about it, but I'm not happy!!

Any ideas??

Sasha x

18-05-10, 12:38
Hi Sasha

You're right, that is a breach on confidentiality, who told everyone, it had to be someone you sent a sick note to or someone who you phoned to let them know, but whichever way, it is wrong. Now you are probably thinking that everyone is looking at you and discussing you. I only ever told those people at work that I knew I could trust. There are others that I think know, but it is not something that is discussed. Hold your head up though, it is nothing to be ashamed of, it should be treated like any other illness.

See how you go with the propranalol, I think they can take a while to get into your system, I know they didn't agree with me but lots of people have benefited from them so see how you go.

All the best

Jannie x x