View Full Version : anxiety?

17-05-10, 13:22
I cant cope. I feel awful,i have had diarrhea for 3-4 weeks and constantly feel sick.I feel tired all the time and i have pains in both sides of my back about bra level and in my left side.My stomach feels tender to touch in the middle where my belly button is when i lay down.I feel like i could be sick all the time.I am going to the doctors later and i know i will not be taken seriously and just told its anxiety.I had my bloods done in feb so i know he wont do them again.I just feel so ill and want some answers.

17-05-10, 13:58
Hi zippy. If you tell them youve had diarrhea for a few weeks then they should take you seriously.
They probably will say it is just your anxiety as it does play havoc with the bowels, but that doesnt mean you have to live with it!
The pains youre feeling will be all to do with your digestive system, so dont worry too much about them.
Hope the appointment goes well!

17-05-10, 14:11
I had an endoscopy a year ago but i didnt feel like this then so i think what if something sinister has started since.I know i have a gall stone but dont think it would cause all these symptoms.

17-05-10, 14:43
Hi zippy.
Hope you feel better soon. Let me know how it goes. I know with m.e/cfs/fibro can cause upset stomachs. So with you have m.e it could be down to that?

Good your going to the doctors though.
Let me know how you get on x

sarah x

17-05-10, 14:47
Zippy, Gallstone will cause tenderness in the stomach and back pain. The pain in the stomach is usually on the rightside in the liver region.

With bloods, you can request them again. I had mine done in Feb and another batch 2 weeks back that showed a raised ESR, so in the end it was well worth doing again. I have to have them done again next week.

17-05-10, 16:11
I have been to the doctors and i have to take a stool sample and he has gave me some loperamide and i am getting my bloods done again on wednesday.