View Full Version : why and what causes anxiety disorders

02-02-06, 11:47
can you tell me what you think are the causes of your anxity disorder.


02-02-06, 16:31
Out of 5, 4 of them for me !


*** Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. ***

03-02-06, 04:19
sorry I really can't narrow it down to one of your options. I think that it is not necessarily what you have gone thru but the way that you handled it and the way your brain reacted to it.


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

03-02-06, 09:59
For me it was the loss of my son

Don't believe everything you think.

06-02-06, 13:34
4 out of 5

14-02-06, 01:04
[Duh!]Although I displayed some kind of ritualistic/obsessive behaviours as a child, I am sure that nmy own personal anxiety disorder is a direct result of bullying I suffered at secondary school.[Sigh...]


14-02-06, 10:19
Lack of selfconfidence and feeling 'worthy'

Jenny xxx

polly a
14-02-06, 23:21
i reckon losing my parents at the age of twelve and having a terrifying adolescence caused mine.pollyxx

p appleyard

15-02-06, 17:13
thank you very much for the interesting poll.


16-02-06, 14:48
My anxiety I think is linked to lots of things. Mother died when i was 12. Lots of upset in my life, divorce also upbringing. Never really thought this has effected me now but looking back it has a link

05-09-08, 20:47
Hi Ram,

Can't narrow it down either but I would say a combination of overwork, a previous eating disorder, my brother nearly dying then him going to prison. Bullying and violent father and an anxious and ignorant mother.

Cleo x

05-09-08, 21:33
for me it was Bad Childhood stuff, my mum has anxiety, its probably inherited! and i think some people are born more sensitive to stress-bright lights-loud noises.

05-09-08, 23:27
I put hereditary - it does seem strange to me that my mother and her mother both suffered with anxiety, some would say this is learned behaviour maybe? - but i didnt know my mother suffered until my anxiety got so bad she learnt about it and it came out!

So im still unsure but i still put hereditary as it seems most likely!

Bullying and put downs from peers since i started school until i left cant have helped either!!! LOL

05-09-08, 23:56
Mine started with abandonment issues as a child, having tragic events as a child, and very low self-esteem. I blame it for my anxiety depression, alcoholism and former drug use.

07-09-08, 20:07
My grandad had anxieties, then my mum, now me!!
I don't blame my family but i think i can put mine down to learnt behaviours. I use to see my mum panicky and think 'whats her problem?' now i get paniky and anxious myself.
I never learned how to deal with issues, just stress about them. I hope my son breaks the chain cos i'd hate him to grow up to be like me.

07-09-08, 20:50
Coming to terms with your own mortality

30-12-08, 02:51
I wish I knew.. I know things that probably haven't helped..but I don't know what might have started it.

02-01-09, 17:08
I think there are many different factors that can contribute to developing anxiety. In my case i think that my upbringing and my parents reaction/response to certain situations had a huge influence on me and as a consequence of seeing their panic and anxiety, i can see why i react in a similar way when i am faced with somthing that i feel i cannot cope with.. Think the experts would describe it as learned behaviour

Diane O'Brien
02-01-09, 20:20
I Think its the way we view ourselves and the world around us. Its definately a poor self esteem. Well it is with me as I suffer from social anxiety.:weep:

03-01-09, 01:54
I put hereditary since multiple relatives in my family have anxiety.



03-01-09, 08:33
i lost my mum at a young age , then later i lost a daughter through cot death then to top it all i lost my father recently and it burst on to me then

03-01-09, 08:54
cant narrow it down to one particular thing but a combination of a lot of factors has caused my anxiety problems.

03-01-09, 09:16
When I worked in mental health I found many people that had taken drugs suffered from anxiety, so there is a real link to that. Believe it or not people that smoke also suffer more from anxiety than those who dont.
Social factors also play a role in anxity-poverty, bad housing, difficult relationships etc

The question that many of us ask "is how do get rid of the anxiety"?

It may be that we always have anxiety on some level but over time we will learn how to live with it so that our lives are more productive and I think this is the key.

03-01-09, 10:53
My worst panic attack happened when I was stoned so I kind of agree the with link between anxiety and drug taking.... But I also know I was an anxious child and worried about situations with an adult head.... So I think drug taking could excelerate the condition, but not caused it.... (this is only based on person experience)

Due to the above panic attack, I know take no drugs, I do not drink alcohol and have a phobia of taking prescibled medication. I also have negative thoughts about people spiking my drink, as I never want to experience a panic attack like the one ever again

03-01-09, 12:33
My anxiety started from Marijuana and Ecstasy. And I know that for a fact. The third time I did Ecstasy, after the come down, I had a panic attack for 5 days straight, I had to go to the hospital and they had to feed me through a tube because I was throwing up so much and couldn't hold any food down. The doctor said my stomach shrunk, and now I have the appetite of a 10 year old.

A week after, I thought that anxiety horror was a one time thing, and then in the following months, I got a panic attack every time I smoked weed, and never connected the dots until about a year ago. I don't smoke anymore, but I sure so miss it :(

03-05-09, 00:28
none of the above its wat kife throws at u n how u handke it

03-05-09, 09:11
mine was due to me being abused last year.

05-05-09, 21:53
for me it was a series of things over my life that gradually brought me to where i am now,gad and ptsd

16-06-09, 11:40
I'm pretty sure mine is inherited, my Grandmother, my Mother (commited suicide), my Aunt , 2 Cousins and myself all suffer or suffered from Anxiety.

16-06-09, 13:47
I think that it is a number of different things i can't just pick one!!

Deepest Blue
21-06-09, 13:53
Hmmm let's see now:

a) from a very early age, I was bullied and taunted by my dad, I think he hated me, he would always put me down and call me names or slap me
b) was picked on at school too for being "too nice", I was used and abused by most of my "friends"
c) got married and after several years of marriage my ex wife decided to initiate an affair which went on for a few years before she announced she wanted to divorce me and marry this guy.

So I think that's quite a handfull of issues that has caused me to feel horrible and anxious in just about every way. I am working very hard to try and get better though, I really am..x

23-07-09, 16:19
I totally believe this whole thing is hereditory certainly in my case. Why else do others manage to cope with lifes disasters while others break down. I dont see it as a weakness of the person but a weakness thats been handed down. It seems so many illness faults are that way....

23-07-09, 19:26
I don't know! All I do know is that fear seems to breed fear - like a reactor goes into meltdown. It also seems to me like a really bad habit I can't break. My mind is so used to thinking negatively, I think my brain has become used to building special anxiety inducing neurones - or at least it seems that way.

I was bullied at school and even when I started my first job a really nasty guy made it his lifes work to taunt me- being an unattractive male and only 5-3 doesn't help. Far from the whole story though. I went through a period where I hated myself for letting myself get bullied. I think low self esteem plays a huge roll in Anxiety Disorders. My father never missed an opportunity to put me down as well - so I grew up feeling rejected by my own gender - and then as an adult I have been rejected by women - :weep:

Surprised I am still relatively sane really!