View Full Version : can anyone help??

17-05-10, 15:06
hi,iv been doing okish last few weeks with my heart worry, but its all come back again,been having chest pain again(left nipple area on the surface)it gets much worse when i press on it,is this muscle or something more sinister,taking over my life again,scared to go out walking,can anyone help?

17-05-10, 15:09
forgot to mention i do struggle to breath at times,and a really tight throat.

17-05-10, 15:15
if it hurts to touch then its 1000% NOT ur heart. Ive been told that by a cardiologist, and my doctor. If it hurts when u press on it, or if u bend over, or stretch, then its MUSCLE. Hope that helps x

17-05-10, 15:19
Oh, and "struggling to breathe" and "tight throat" are symptoms of Hyperventilation (overbreathing), most people dont realise they r doing it, but its totally normal and safe, and the most common symptom of anxiety. And just so you know, hyperventilating makes you FEEL LIKE ur struggling to breathe, but UR NOT, infact u have too MUCH oxygen, so quite the opposite! (too much oxygen cant do u any harm so dont worry). Tight throat is another totally harmless symptom of anxiety, hope that all helps you.

17-05-10, 15:21
thanks for reply, would you think it was muscular then? the thing with anxiety is you find it hard to accept things as anxiety,thanks again.

17-05-10, 15:33
It is definitely muscular. It is impossible to be ur heart if it hurts to touch, u cannot feel ur heart and anmy problem with ur heart u wouldnt be able to feel 'pain' when u touched it, or stretched or done any kind of exercise. Yes i can relate to that as i used to struggle to accepot things were just anxiety, but trust me, anxiety is a poweful thing. I was in hospital because i was constantly dizzy, i could barely walk. I had a CT scan on my brain, and it was ALL CLEAR. From the moment i got those results, the dizziness completely went. My constant dizziness was due to being anxious over head aches thinking i had a brain tumour. A week later I started getting chest pains, so i went to A&E thinking i was having a heart attack. The chest pains were really bad, i was screaming in agony on Major Cardiac Unit. And do u know what? Once i got the all-clear that my heart was 100% fine, and my chest x-ray was clear, my chest pains completely disappeared. And since then, i realised how powerful the mind really was... take it from me, what ur experiencing is anxiety, but for your own peace of mind, go to ur doctor and say ur having chest pains, get him to give u an ECG, and when u get the all-clear it will make u feel alot better about everything. Take care.

17-05-10, 15:41
i had ecg at xmas time was all clear,been to gp loads of times since xmas,he doesnt seem that concerned,says could be a number of things fibromyagia,costiacondriatus,reflux,tension.but i still get doubts,it drives me mad thanks for taking time to answer.

17-05-10, 22:31
i just want my life back!!!!!!!

17-05-10, 22:57
thanks paul,it happens when im walking too not sure if its cos im moving,if it is tension its awful,i feel alot in my shoulders and arms,it drives me insane with worry,why cant we worry about external things instead,,,damn anxiety.

17-05-10, 23:09
thanks mate,it pains me sometimes even to go on a walk,i have no social life at 37, i should be having fun with my kids etc..but i guess living inside your head for so long enjoyment aint gonna happen overnight.it helps to chat with fellow sufferers(even though i think im unique).

Going home
18-05-10, 00:28
If its a pain in your breast or around the nipple area then its not your heart...your heart is deep inside your chest and if its anything to do with your heart the pain would be quite severe. There are no muscles in your breasts, only in the chest wall behind them so again its unlikely to be muscular if the pain is around your nipple area. Women get all sorts of pain in and around the breasts during the course of our hormonal life, so it could be connected to hormones, especially once we've been through pregnancy and had children and maybe breast-fed them also. The fact that it hurts when you walk could be just the movement of your breast making you more aware of any discomfort. The breathlessness is probably your worry causing tension which will effect your breathing.

Hope this helps
Anna xx

sarah dell
19-05-10, 21:10
:ohmy:hi i get this too chest pain back shoulders neck throat difficulty breathing went bak to docs she sed it ur anxiety got blood tests on friday hope this is of help:)