View Full Version : Mumps

17-05-10, 15:44
My sister was diagnosed with mumps today, she has 2 very young children at home (2 & 7 weeks), I take it they are very likely to get it?

I had mumps as a child, is it hopeful then that I will avoid it?

My sister is 19, she saw her GP today and they have given her strong antibiotics. She has been in contact with so many young children, mine included but they have all had both MMRs.

Hope I am not at risk, nothing I can do about it now, but could really do without it, lol!

17-05-10, 16:14
If you have had mumps it is very unlikely you will get it again. Having it should have made you immune.

However antibiotics are for bacterial infections, not viral infections like mumps,
so your sister shouldn't have been given them - do you mean antivirals?

17-05-10, 22:15
No she was given co-amoxiclav. I was also very suprised she was given antibiotics. I am a student nurse and know that it's a virus, so it is strange she has been given such strong antibiotics when it is one of those things that has to run its course, but I guess the GP knows better than us, lol!
