View Full Version : Does anyone else get Cold shivers????

17-05-10, 16:43
Hey All,

I was just wondering if anyone else gets cold shivers. Im sitting at my desk at work freaking out a bit as i am all of a sudden cold and shivery. It just come from no where. Starting to think i've got something wrong with me and that i will come to a terrible end before i make the train journey home AHHHHHHH. Anyone else get these horrible shivers???


17-05-10, 16:48
I normally get like that when I am sickening for something like a cold or flu but then I can get cold shivers for no apparent reason sometimes.
Is anybody else cold, could there be a draft coming from somewhere that you aren't aware of?
Try to relax, it won't be anything for you to worry about x

17-05-10, 16:54
Yes, your right! i really need to calm down. I have got an hour's journey home yet so there's no point worrying myself to death!!!

Thanks for the reply

17-05-10, 17:33
yes often but it passes don t worry

17-05-10, 21:05
Yes, that happens to me especially first thing in morning. I often get a shakey type feeling with it as well.