View Full Version : Anxiety advice from anyone

17-05-10, 17:36
Hi everyone

I am in an awfull sitiation with my anxiety at the moment. I have been off work for 3 months now with sick lines from the doctor. Being off work is bad enough but my boss phoned me the other day to say he has lost one of my sick notes and can I get a duplicte from my doctor!!! I am anxious enough going to the doctors and now i feel even worse that my boss has mislaid my sick line and I dont know who has found it and read it. What should I do about this or who should I speak to as I am really angry that he has jusy left it lying somewhere with mt personal medical information on it and do I have to get a duplicate from the doctor?? What do you all think I should do?

I am on the verge of quitting my job as the way i am at the moment I feel I can no longer carry on with the type of job I am in. The advice I am after really is If I was to resign where does that stand with getting financial help untill i am well enough or can find a job where I am not in a busy crowded place.

it is nice to be able to talk to someone about this.

lots of love


17-05-10, 17:40
Some employers, if they recognize the reason you quit as valid, won’t fight you when it comes to receiving unemployment. Others may choose to state you are not eligible for unemployment benefits because you quit. Generally, when there is disagreement between the employer and employee over whether the employee is eligible for unemployment benefits, this is resolved through a hearing. hope this helps maria

17-05-10, 17:55
Thanks for the advice. I am in such a state about this. I am so upset about my voss losong my sick line and so embarassed that everyone in my office has seen it. I am on citalopran and a vey anxkois person anyway but this has made me feel even worse.

17-05-10, 18:14
Hi Maria,

My understanding of the benefits system, is that it will be much more hassle to get any financial help if you quit. Continue seeing your Dr and getting sicknotes, if your employer decides that you can no longer do your job or your sick pay runs out, I think you just fill a form out to transfer to unemployment benefit.

The lost sicknote. If it has not arrived at your workplace, you need to get another one. If it got there and they've lost it, I think you still need to get another one - ask your Dr, they will know. I know its alot of hassle and a posible breach of your privacy, I dont know your company but you can complain about the person who lost it.

Hope this helps, you take care .. andrew