View Full Version : Just went really off balance suddenly!

17-05-10, 20:51
Was sat on the sofa watching tv and all of a sudden out of nowhere i went realllllly dizzy but it wasnt like normal dizziness i get, it literally made my whole head move backwards then sidewards a little bit.. it scared the living daylights out of me as ive NEVER had dizziness that physically made my head move like that!!!!! So i just had a mini panic attack... havent had one for a while so scared me a bit... what could this of been??? It literally lasted about 5 seconds...

17-05-10, 20:53
Hi crazyhayz. That happened to me once about a month back. I know how scary it can be. I had just put my pc on and sat down and suddenly this awful dizzy nauseating, head all over the place feeling. I dont know if it was the lights on the pc or the tension in my neck but it was horrible at the time.

17-05-10, 21:27
really horrible sensation, i know how it feels believe me!

arent you taking citalopram? maybe it was that..?

Veronica H
17-05-10, 22:01
Hi All
I had this a few nights ago. Very powerful and unlike any other dizzy spell I have had so far with anxiety. I think it was because I was extra anxious and overthinking at the time and when I am like that I forget to breathe :doh:nasty though. I take Citalopram 10mg.


17-05-10, 22:06
I had this when I was first ill late last year. It absolutely terrified me, I thought I was having a stroke!! It felt like I was going to pass out, my head just went really strange and it felt like I couldn't move. Luckily my son was here with me at the time, I was just about to turn off my laptop and the room was dark apart from the laptop and its as if my head and eyes went very strange!!! I'm now on citalopram and am feeling soooo much better, haven't had one since, touch wood!!! Do get lightheaded feeling and bits of dizziness but nothing like that one!!

Jannie x x

17-05-10, 22:23
i get this all the time,sometimes feels like i fell through the floor,very scary.

18-05-10, 12:05
thanks for responses guys. Yeah i take 20mg citalopram.. but been on it for months now so dont underatand how it could be that when ive been fine on it for months? it wasnt like anything ive ever felt, thats what scared me. it literally made my head move backwards/sidewards, like i had no control over it, well, id didnt saying that! It was soooo scary. It only lasted 5 seconds if that, havent had it since though, so am putting it down to being tired..and anxious.. both of them together are awful for me. When im tired i get anxious alot more. Ne1 else like that??

Another quick question, does anyone get slow like vision that blurs for like a second when they move/turn their head to look at something?? It doesnt happen all the time but now & then, il turn my head and everything oes really slow and slightly blurry for about 2 seconds... then it all focuses and its fine, but its really really weird......

18-05-10, 12:45
Yep, had that, its as though you can't focus properly and it feels that I've moved my head but my eyes have stayed where they were, if you know what I mean! All very strange, I always put it down to anxiety/tiredness/looking at the computer too long, and try not to worry about it. Very simple I know, but at the time it is real scary.

Jannie x x

Veronica H
18-05-10, 13:46
these visual disturbances are very common when the nerves are sensitised.:hugs:Veronicax

18-05-10, 21:03
thanks guys xx

20-05-10, 06:40
What's normal vision like? I used to wonder that - seems to have cleared up all by itself though. Thank you Lordy! Can I get an Amen?