View Full Version : How can I stop feeling afraid after being attacked?

17-05-10, 21:29
Hello everyone, hope you're having a good day. Weather's lovely here.

I think I might be suffering from PTSD mildly. I got attacked on Friday night/Saturday morning. It was at a houseparty, a girl tried to claim my coat as her own, and when I could prove it was mine she got angry and hit me with the heel of her stiletto, on my cheekbone.

I tried for a long time to reason with her, even after she hit me. She was probably on drugs. The most shocking thing for me was that she could not be reasoned with, no matter what I said. I thought everyone could be reasoned with if you tried hard enough. But now I understand why there are wars. I am a pacifist. I didn't lay a finger on her. Eventually I got back my coat, but that was because someone else intervened.

She threatened to hit me and I was willing to take it, if it meant getting my coat back. I have an emotional attachment to it. It's mine - it's rightfully mine. It's wrong for someone to just take another person's property. I couldn't understand why she stuck to her decision even when it was so clear she was in the wrong.

I didn't fear for my life and it wasn't a serious injury. It's left a bruise but I've done everything I can to heal it with creams. But I was in serious shock afterwards, shaking, floods of tears, nausea...

Now I feel afraid. I don't like it... it's just a general feeling of fear. I feel like when I was little and was afraid of the dark. It's almost as if something is going to jump out at me from the corners of the room, or stab me from behind. There is nobody that I want to be with, but I don't want to be alone.

Why am I so afraid?

A couple of years ago, a car almost ran me over, and I understand now that I must be suffering PTSD after I read about it on here. I had frequent flashbacks and dreams, and I still get them when cars drive fast by me. I'm terrified of roads on some days. My heart starts racing when I have to stand in those islands on the road, with cars going in different directions in front and behind me. Horrible. In situations where I'm a bit nervous already, like on a date or something, I can barely bring myself to cross the road. Actually, I almost got run over when I was on a date, so it makes sense that I'd be more afraid when it's a similar situation.

I can't remember the girl's face. I always thought that if something happened to me, I'd study their face and find out their name... it's always so frustrating on TV when they can't identify the attackers. But it just didn't occur to me to find out her name, and I must have mentally blocked what her face was like.

How can I stop feeling afraid? It's sort of paralyzing - I don't feel like doing anything. The feeling of fear has taken over. It's filled my head and there isn't room for anything else. What can I do?

17-05-10, 21:44

I am so sorry for what she has put you through! The sad thing is that she wont even care or even fail to remember. What she did was out of order and awful! I can understand your frustration with her not being reasonable, like yourself I try and reason with those types of people but mostly they just don't care!

I understand the need and want for your coat, I get attached to my belongings also especially one coat. I got it for christmas from my mum and just really like it, when i went out on new years eve me and a friend went to a club and I wore it and lined up to put it in the cloak room but she got impatient and told me to stash it somewhere, a place I may add on full view! A brand new, lovely coat?!!!! I couldn't understand her!

Anyway I am so sorry that you are feeling the aftermath fear. I get like that if there has been some kind of big thing when I have been out. I don't know much about PSTD because I haven't had it or been close to anyone that has so I don't know the right way to get through it but maybe writing about could help?

I really hope the fear leaves you soon because I can imagine it is an awful thing to carry on with.


18-05-10, 11:40
Thank you hallam11. I still feel scared though. I can't get on with my work. I've got so much to do and I just can't seem to do it. Still shaky :(

25-05-10, 11:07
Hey Lior, I went through a similar situation back in March while driving, I lost a front tooth and had a fractured jaw, needed 16 stitches too. Anyway please don't get me wrong, I know it's not a competition :)

I just wanted to say I CAN understand how you feel, after being attacked many people report fears of being followed, I think it's a normal reaction when we... (Brb, my cat is meowing to go out!! Haha, back now) :)

I think it's a normal reaction when we go through a stressful occasion, our mind has to deal with it somehow doesn't it? Can sometimes cause nightmares, and flashbacks. I know it's awful, but it DOES get better.

I hope that helps and you feel better soon

Danny :D

25-05-10, 12:27
Wow just noticed you posted this last Monday!! I bet you're feeling much better by now aren't you? :) :hugs: