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17-05-10, 21:45
Does anyone take fluxotine....How long do they take to work...It makes me feel worse some days ?

17-05-10, 22:21
Hey hun. Im on these to. Im on 20mg everyday. I think there great sweet. Make me feel great anyways. They took 2 weeks of me taking them to make me feel better. That was not missing any tablets. I had side affects when i first started taking them. Ill tell you some of them to see if you can relate:
Eyes felt they where burning
Sleep disturbances
Weird dreams
other mild things aswell but cant really remember. How long have you been on the meds? x

17-05-10, 22:24
Hi, ive been taking 20mg aday for 7 weeks now, i do feel abit better but not alot, i still cant go out etc etc....my doctor wants to put me on 40mg aday but i dare'nt incase they make me worse....

17-05-10, 22:26
Thats what you need jessy! To up them. I had this done to me at first and then reduced back down to 20 mg a day. If you dont mind me asking but are you a slim lady or a larger lady? The reason why i ask this is because of the meds x

17-05-10, 22:29
size 14, why do the tablets make you worse if your big then ?

18-05-10, 00:07
when i was first put on them my doctors words were 'they may make you feel a bit more nervous at first but they have stood the test of time'. They are a very effective treatment for some people but sadly like most antidepressants you're looking at a minimum of a month before they start to take a positive effect.

18-05-10, 05:37
Heya Jessy,

I know a lot about fluoxetine so you're in for a treat today :) Haha.

Fluoxetine alters a lot for different people. It generally takes about 6-8 weeks to start having an effect. It's usually a slow working medication so it works slowly but it works well. Some people, Sammi, are lucky and it hits them within 2 weeks, other people like me have to wait it out a bit before they start to work.

The dosage also varies in different people too. My first time on fluoxetine for was for depression when I was 16, I was on it for a year at 20mg and it worked wonderfully. I'm now taking it for a second time 4 years on and this time it's for panic disorder, depression, anxiety and ocd. Joy. It's generally at a higher dose like 40 - 60mg for anxiety because anxiety has a different balance of chemicals and it just seems to be treated better with higher doses. Again, some people will be lucky enough to get good results on only 20mg, some need to go quite high. I had a friend suffering from depression who was on 60mg a day whilst I was only on 20. Each to their own.

Side effects vary in every person too. I've never had any side effects from the fluoxetine except for feeling my anxiety a lot more in the first few days of starting the medication or upping the dosage. After that it's better. The only side effect I do get is reduced appetite and weight loss, which i can deal with. Some people do get worse symptoms though, it just depends how easily your body adjusts to the new chemicals being introduced.

I've been on fluoxetine for about 10 weeks now. I started on 20mg and have now gone up to 30mg. I'm supposed to be going up to 40 mg but my doctor says I can do it in my own time. I went up to 30mg 2 weeks ago and I'm planning to stay on 0mg until I see my psych next to talk about it because I'm actually feeling pretty good on it. :)

It's just important to remember to take it around the same time every day. I've noticed that when I take mine a few hours later I start to feel worse. Also remember that even on the medication you'll still have bad anxiety and panic days. I do, everyone does. It takes a long time to get rid of them completely, but you can do it, we all can :)

18-05-10, 05:38
Oh by the way, just so you know I'm not talking blah blah, I am studying psychology and brain anatomy, and me and my psychiatrist speak about medications and the biology of anxiety a lot because it interests me so much, so I'm not just guessing at how they work :)

18-05-10, 11:27
Thankyou aimeekid, i did have a bad day yeasterday but i do feel better today (so far), reading your reply makes me feel better about the fluxotine, i will stick with it and may go on 40mg next week when i see my doc....Hopefully then i can try get on with my life and put this awful horrible panic disorder at the back of my mind. I wish it was just as easy as typing this message though.....Thanks once again......
Hope everyone feels better today.....they say each day gets easier..

18-05-10, 14:07
i take 60mg of this everyday for health anxiety, not sure if it works or not, been taking it 18 months