View Full Version : scared.

18-05-10, 08:37
I am really freaking out that i have something serious.I am waking up at 3o clock every morning feeling sick and clammy and i cant get back to sleep.I have had diarrhoea/loose bowels for 3-4 weeks and have no appetite at all. I have an ache in my back and side and my hip and groin area on left.I went to the doctors and i am having my bloods done tomorrow.I am trying to stay calm but i cant stop thinking its something bad.

18-05-10, 11:55
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18-05-10, 12:06
Hi Zippy, not sure what could be causing that but with the change in bowel habits you could be a little dehydrated which could be making you feel clammy etc, try and drink plenty of fluids xx

18-05-10, 18:08
Only one reply!!! I have felt really ill all day,i had to go and pick my little girl up from school and sat in the car because i felt i couldnt breath properly.I thought i was going to faint just walking 100 yards.Does anyone else just feel really ill and dont know how to descibe it? my friends and family will ask me to explain and i just say i dont know i just dont feel well.

18-05-10, 18:23

I'm sure it's a bug or an allery? Maybe a wheat and gluten allery i.e. Celiac. My moma is a Celiac and if she eats the wrong thing - that's it. She is constantly on the toilet for days. Try not to be scared (easier said than done - I know) (world expert here at looking for the worst in things) But we all know deep down it won't help matters.

Your having bloods taken tomorrow. All you can do is weight for tomorrow - explain everything to the GP and await results. I know waiting is the hardest thing. That's how I became a Anxiety sufferer! Through waiting to be seen at the hospital. I done this to myself! Read my other posts, please. Don't end up like me! I made myself into an Anxious wreck!

Please stay calm.... Try and relax, the best way you know how. Is it only at 3.00am in the morning you feel sick and need to go to the toilet? That could be your subconcious awakening you, then your body gets use to you awaking at that time and becomes a regular occurance. I'm sure if it was something more life threatening you would have these symtoms always not just at 3.00am? I really wish I could help you more? Please keep me informed. All the best for tomorrow....

Neen x

18-05-10, 18:39
Its to late i am an anxious wreck already lol.I do this every time i get a new symptom and dont feel well.My aunt died 3 week ago from cancer and i think its set it all off,i keep getting the same symptoms she said she had.I googled my symptoms and i have pancreatic cancer,ovarian cancer etc etc.I try and stay calm but i feel anxious all the time and i always think this time its different because i have different symptoms and i feel different.

18-05-10, 20:52
And there in lies the problem (at least part of it). You're anxiety is through the roof because you've convinced yourself you've got something serious, you search for answers within yourself and Google and you start getting anxious because they both keep telling you you've got cancer. Firstly, before I say anything else, I would recommend that you go to the Doctor, but that's purely a precautionary measure, something to work with to help you put your mind at ease. Secondly, there is no secret in beating anxiety, basically all you have to do is 'let go'. You can't and shouldn't dwell on such matters as your own mortality, you'll only make things worse. Doing so will only heighten your anxiety even more and then you find that you're in a self-perpetuating cycle of which escape can be difficult.