View Full Version : Anyone keep waking up in the middle of the night?

18-05-10, 09:11
I have tried everything - sleeping early, sleeping late, eating before bed, not eating before bed, not drinking before bed...but I keep waking up maybe 5 hours into my sleep....

I don't actually have a sleeping problem because I sleep pretty much straight after getting into bed.

18-05-10, 09:38
yep, I go through periods of that, it happen more in the summer and if i drink alcohol, I only have to have one glass of wine and it really effects my sleep.
(rarely drink these days)
The warmer weather also interupts my sleep.

I used to get really bad panic attacks if i hadn't had enough sleep, the thought of work the next day was a nightmare, i was scared i would have a massive panic attack at work.

It was like my body was shutting down a horrendous feeling..

Now if i can't get back to sleep if i suddenly wake, i try to relax and stay in bed, i drink lots of water and listen to the radio, i find that i drift off again, but if not the fact that i've relaxed and not got up has helped a great deal.

Sometime i go and sleep downstairs where it's cooler, i have found in myself that overheating can trigger attacks.


18-05-10, 13:00
I usually wake up a couple of times during the night - I usually have the tv on or the radio, which puts me back to sleep, or else I'll read.