View Full Version : My head is killing me again

18-05-10, 11:39
Hi Guys,

This head pain has been going on tooooooo long, I need help if I am going to continue. I have had a headache since 14 Feb nearly every day, some times migraines but always pain of some sort. This morning I woke with pain also in my neck and back of my head I could hardly turn my head it hurt that much.

After the thing with the MRI obviously I am still worried, I hope it is not connected, but this can not go on.

Anyway the local hospital is going to review my headaches this Thursday afternoon, so I hope I may get somewhere, all I know is I need help life is becoming very hard and if this is going to go on then I don't want to. I am not talking end my life, but with this pain every day life is not life!


18-05-10, 12:11
I think you are suffering with cluster headaches. The worse form of headaches. A friend had them everyday for a year almost, he was hospitalized because they were so bad. He was in for 4 days whilst they ran loads of tests. Everything was clear. They said he suffered from neck tension which he didnt even realise he had, (i had this also and didnt know i was tensing, it may be something worth mentioning at your appt!) But google cluster headaches.

If u have had an MRI which is showing to be normal apart from the lesion, then u must trust and accept that the headaches are NOT because of the lesion, and not because u have something seriously wrong with ur brain. A neuro would know if this was cauding your headaches trust me. But honestly, my friend couldnt even walk when he had his attacks, and his headahces were constant for almost a year until he gotthe right medication (not sure what its called but he takes it everyday).

Good luck Peter, and try not to worry. Hope ur appt goes ok, keep us updated!!

i love tea
18-05-10, 13:43
Hi Peter, just a thought, but my friend had terrible headaches and neck pain that was caused by problems with her back and shoulders. Do you think that might be a factor? If I were you I would try an appointment with an osteopath or chiropractor... I just wonder whether there might be muscle tension or something out of line that might be a contributing factor?

Take care :)

18-05-10, 21:12
Peter, read this:


Read the whole article, especially about chronic cluster headaches.. this is what i think u are suffering with. Hope ur appt went ok??

Take care

18-05-10, 21:16
Hi Peter, just a thought, but my friend had terrible headaches and neck pain that was caused by problems with her back and shoulders. Do you think that might be a factor? If I were you I would try an appointment with an osteopath or chiropractor... I just wonder whether there might be muscle tension or something out of line that might be a contributing factor?

Take care :)

I was wondering about this as well.I have a relative who has suffered really bad migraine pain for many years and lately they got worse. Some of the pressure apparently is from a shoulder

19-05-10, 10:45
For the past week i have had chronic headaches every single day. I cant get out of bed and do things because I'm everywhere. I'm walking into things, stumbling everywhere. Feeling as if I'm about to collapse, difficulty breathing too. So i feel good for nothing at the moment. :weep: hope you feel better soon :) x

19-05-10, 20:35
Thank you for your thoughts. I have made a note and will put these to the consultant when I am assessed tomorrow,

20-05-10, 19:31
Back from the hospital appointment, re my head pain.

They looked at my MRI scan again, and all they could say was that there was an incidental finding, and are often found, and he felt that this was nothing to worry about and it had nothing to do with my headaches.

He said my description of my headache was a classic description of migraine, along with daily headaches and/or chronic migraines.

However he did say that my blood pressure was high and should be treated, it was 200/110, he thought this in its self could contribute to the headaches, although he still thought by my description that migraine was the main cause of my symptoms. He reviewed all my hospital records going back ten years and noted I have had elevated blood pressure on each reading, 20 in all.
He said he accepted that there was a certain amount of white coat syndrome involved as I am anxious in hospitals, but even so this could not account for the continuing high readings 200/110 to 166/90. He also reviewed my thyroid tests done over the last few months which are normal. I read my BP on returning home and it was 150/90 so not so bad, so I shall monitor it for a few days.

As for the migraines he wants me to see my GP for treatment, so no real answer there.


20-05-10, 22:27
hi peter scott glad you have seen doc regarding headaches you probably need a migraine preventative medication like amitriptyline etc

all the best

20-05-10, 22:30
Im glad they were able to put your mind at rest over the MRi to some extent. I can tell you that my BP has been almost that high everytime I go to the doctors or hospital so they gave me a 24 hr one because they wouldnt believe me that it was simply caused by stress and anxiety going to the docs which averaged 130/78 so now they have to believe me.

I tend to get very very bad headaches when tension builds in my neck and shoulders - I have been advised to get a massage at least once a week but I cant afford that so I just tend to go when it starts to get bad - you might want to try that?

keep us posted on your progress

take care
