View Full Version : Blips and what triggers them.

18-05-10, 11:47

I've been doing really well for the past week, I've been trying really hard to get out and about. But, for some reason, last night I watched the program with Stephen Fry on about manic depression and now I'm convinced that I'm going to go into some sort of psychosis, even though I know that I don't have manic depression.

So now my anxiety is up again and I'm thinking that I have to watch everything that I do or think in case it's a sign that I'm going mad. I've made my husband stay at home to be with me just in case I lose control, even though my therapist told me that I shouldn't ask him to stay at home because it just keeps the anxiety going.

Does anybody else have certain things that triggers their blips? The last blip I had was a week last monday after I'd had a bad dream during the night and I don't feel as bad as I did then, so that's got to be a good sign.


18-05-10, 12:24
Maybe the key is to watch light hearted stuff and nothing too serious, i ,ve found that it always helped me.

18-05-10, 14:33
I think this might be related to the suggestability discussed here: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=75076 - hearing about a condition and thinking "but what if it happens to me?!" and then being extra vigilent for signs of it. There is a lot of bad stuff that happens in the world, as well as good stuff. I think having anxiety makes us more likely to focus on the bad stuff than the good.

I also find that having a bad dream can make me feel anxious and low. I have a lot of stressful dreams. I don't really know what to suggest about that. I think a lot of people fear going mad, particularly those of us who already have a form of mental illness. I can tell you that it's very unlikely but you already know that I think. Keep talking to your therapist about this.

18-05-10, 14:48
Thanks Unspoken, I think I am being very suggestable, if that's the right way to put it! I start to imagine what it would feel like to be delusional etc, and then I start to worry that thinking like that will make me delusional, so then I try to stop thinking about it, and the cycle continues....!!!

18-05-10, 16:31
Hi Debs,

Good point from Flowerpot. When I was suffering with PAs last year I had to be careful what I watched and read for a while. Anything with violence, gore, even loud noise and fast action was out. An anxious mind certainly benefits from lighthearted stuff.

You are not unusual in being affected by your dreams, I am too. A nice or nasty one can make all the difference to the way I feel in the morning.