View Full Version : tiny testicular pimple

18-05-10, 14:14
okay about 6 months ago i found a tiny pimple sized lump on my testicle.

it worried me, so i went to see my gp about it, he checked it and said its nothing bad and its part of the epiydidmis or something. He said that he could feel the same on the other side too, even though i cant.

i think i know what the epiydidmis feels like and i dnt think this lump is part of it, even though i might be wrong.

anyway i later had blood tests about 2 months ago to check everything was ok, and the results were fine.

the results have made me feel as if the anxiety has gone about my health until now.

i am about to start work next month and recently got a new girlfriend who i like alot, and all of a sudden i feel as if my anxiety problems are back because things are looking up for me, i check my testicle sometimes 10 times a day, and the lump has definatly not grown within the last 6 months when i first found it.

am i being stupid letting things get on top of me again, or is it something i should worry about incase the docs have missed something with this lump?

18-05-10, 15:37
If it was testicular cancer then you'd been in far worse shape 6 months down the line than you are now. Forget about your health, enjoy your life with your new girlfriend and try and come up with cool little surprises to give her, think of cool, unusual places to go, not just taking her to a restaurant. The fair's always a good one. Your anxiety is only holding you back, if you allow it to continue doing so then you are a coward. Enjoy the warmth of the coming months, enjoy the fact that you are in good health.

A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.

18-05-10, 16:00
Sounds to me like your anxiety levels are rising and youre focusing them all onto one point, the pimple.
I had something similar when I was younger. I had my nipple pierced and it was a botched job. I used to check my breasts multiple times a day to check they were ok. This went on for months. I was forever taking toilet breaks at work or hiding in a cupboard to check them throughout the day.
Now you may not be checking them as much as I was, but you'll end up down that route if you dont stop now.
Try to cut back the times when you check it. Maybe give yourself time in the morning and before bed to do this. And do not check it in between these times.
You should also impliment a worry time. Decide on a time of day, that you can just sit down and worry. if you try to worry at any other point, tell yourself you will deal with it at worry time. This will hopefully stop you worrying yourself all day every day.

I hope this helps.

Just remember you will be ok, your GP isnt worried and nor should you be. The lump wont change in the space of a day, so if anythign did change you wouldnt know about it before the lump did!

18-05-10, 16:36
okay thanks alot for your help, got to sort myself out. cheers