View Full Version : major freak out

18-05-10, 15:04
ok last week the doc gave me some citalopram 20 mg and ive never had any kind of meds before and tbh ive been too scared of the storys of side effects to take any. Anyway last night, after a major freak out about a minor problem, i feel i really could do with starting these meds.....doc says i can halve the 20mg pills for a while if i want.....trouble is im sooooo scared to take them what do i do? im such a worry wart, hubby works away so im alone with the kids and im frightened that the side effects are gonna be worse than a freak out.......help me......please

18-05-10, 16:19
Some people don't get side effects at all, others do... unfortunately there's only one way to find out, but I would definitely start taking them as it will be worth it in the long run. If you are really worried I would start with a low dose. I've just started on citalopram again but I had really horrible side effects last time starting with 20mg so this time I'm taking a quarter tablet a day (5 days in now) and so far I haven't felt anything that I can't handle - just some really mild effects. I'm going to go up to 10mg next week then 20mg after that. Obviously it's going to take longer for it to work, but I'd rather have that than the side effects. If you feel anything then you can always post here. It helps to share your symptoms and reassure yourself that it is just the tablets doing their stuff, and a lot of us are going through it. Good luck! :hugs:

18-05-10, 18:41
Hi Phattgal,

I totally agree with trickyvee, if you take 10mg to start off with then see how you go before increasing slowly you will minimise the side effects and as she says you might not even have any.

Citalopram is excellent when it starts working so you will feel the benefit and any side effects will be worth it in the end.

Good luck...let us know how you get on.

18-05-10, 18:56
Thanks both for advice I'm gonna have to bite the bullet aren't I, she's also given me some diazepam for flying on Monday so am I right in thinking that I'll not take a cit on the day I take the Valium?
Thanks again
Jo x

jaded jean
18-05-10, 19:10
Hi phattgal.
No it is fine to take the diazepam with the citalopram. I did when I first started it .
No problemo.

19-05-10, 04:40
Jaded Jean is right. My doc gave me alprazolam before he prescribed me to paroxetine, but it's the same issue; you can use them both at once. One will help regulate serotonin levels in your body, and the other is just sort of a muscle relaxant. Use it if you have a panic attack and it will calm you right down. :) You will be fine.