View Full Version : Why do the ectopics keep coming back???

18-05-10, 17:14
I started having ectopic heartbeats again a couple of weeks ago - I hadn't had any for some time or at least I hadn't been aware of them.

After 3 days of having them for hours each day, I went to A&E who did an ECG and monitored my heart rate and blood pressure for an hour. They said my heart was fine and that they were due to anxiety. That was 10 days ago. Since then, I have had several days with none at all. On Saturday evening, they came back when i was out and again yesterday lunchtime. Now they have been here again on and off today since about 3pm. I can't stop checking my heartbeat and every time I feel one, I can feel the adrenelin in my body and they just come thick and fast!! I know they are not serious and I know I should just ignore them, but I can't and they just get worse!!

I tend to have them when I am resting or after eating at lunchtime or dinner time. My stomach feels weird as well at the moment, like I always feel hungry!!

Can anyone give me any hope of getting rid of these awful things please!!!

18-05-10, 17:37
Hi jo ! The fact that your checking your heart beat is keeping it going and making you more anxious , the more you think about them the more you will get them :shrug:the feeling in your stomach is nerves ... It is a horrible feeling , ive bein getting them on and of now for a few weeks and that horrible knot or butterfly feeling in my stomach , but as much as they still scare the life out me at the time , i try to put it to the back of my mind and forget about it :winks:. the more you relax and not think about them the less you will get them ... mine come and go as well , none for weeks months and then out the blue BANG !! you will be fine :yesyes:

18-05-10, 22:13
Hi Jo. Eptopics Hmm where to start! First of all they are the worstest feeling ever. I get them everyday eithout fail. Like you, went through a stage of not getting them and then all of a sudden hearts thudding and missing beats. Iv just had one writing this to you haha... They are very common and alls i can say really is just no that it wont hurt you and when it happens think like me " Stay calm Sammie " ignore it and it will pass. Hope this helps :)

18-05-10, 23:30
Hi Jo,

you say 'I know they are not serious' however it seems they still worry you? Do you truely believe they are not serious?
If you do believe this try to welcome them and have some more!!, .......if you dont i would suggest you re-read the advice about them.

I am guessing there is some fear here and it is the fear that drives your anxieties.

Fight the fear,


Going home
19-05-10, 00:40
If you're getting them after you eat then its probably down to the Vagus nerve. This is the longest nerve in our body and runs from the base of the brain to the groin, and meanders through various organs including the stomach and the heart. It's very common to get ectopics after eating if its something that irritates this nerve..even some of the doctors (mine included) recognise this. It happens more when you've eaten a big meal but can happen even if you don't eat so much.

My way of dealing with it is to try and monitor what irritates my stomach and what doesn't....and then take a good ant-acid. I know this might sound mad but anything that makes you burp often is enough to stop them..go figure!

Of course, there are other factors with ectopics, so its not only eating and drinking things that our stomachs and hearts are sensitive to. Stress as we all know can make them happen...that's good stress as well as bad don't forget, as we can get ectopics when we're happy or excited too.

Sometimes we have to accept that these ectopics are our weak spots, just as some people get migraines. Ive learned to live with mine to be honest, i don't like them and they can be very uncomfortable but Ive learned more about them over the years and had many negative tests done, so I try to just accept them as my body's way of dealing with stress and an irritated Vagus nerve!

Anna xx :)