View Full Version : Hi Everyone

18-05-10, 18:26
Ive managed to get an appt with the psyc on Thursday. I feel really yuk of these tablets and very down. I am just sick everyday. I looked on facebook and everyone I know is married and just wonder what is wrong with me. Why couldnt I make my relationship work.

20-05-10, 13:07
I hope you get on at the Psych ok today Roses ..You musnt blame yourself about your relationship not working out .It takes two to make it work .You were obviously not right for each other ,but there are plenty of single people out there and one day you will meet someone special.It may seem that everyone is married but this musnt make you settle for less than you want ,You have the rest of your life to be married theres no hurry .Concentrate on getting yourself well for now ,and put yourself first .When your feeling depressed things always seem worse tha they really are and you only concentrate on the negative aspects of yourself and your situation ..Once you start to come out of the place your in at the moment ,you will be in a better frame of mind to think about having relationships .All the best luv Sue x:hugs:

14-06-10, 10:30
Sorry not trying to hijack the OPs post, but I think you've both raised such good points, and if anything I am in exactly the same place as Roses

I'm struggling to make any relationships work if I'm honest, but the point of this post wasn't to moan about myself. I just wanted to say thank you to Sue, your words have had a good impact on the way I feel right now :) :hugs:

Roses, I hope everything is OK for you and you're feeling better now??

Take care guys
