View Full Version : panic age 12

HanzaGanza age11
02-02-06, 20:33
Hiya all,:D

From the age of 3 i suffered with PA, anxiety. I am now 12 and up in till 2 weeks ago i was doing very well.

My mum is amember of NMP, her user name is Jill and she said that i could come on here and ask for some advise.

2 weeks ago on the 17th Febuary, i had a PA in school, it felt like i could'nt breath, i started to get pains in my chest and stomach, i was shaking and scared of what was happing to me.

Because it happend in school, i am afraid to go back to school incase another one happens. My mum is trying her best to get people to help me get over it and go back to school but it is taking along time.

No amount of reasurence from my mum can get me back to school, that's why my mum is getting proffesional help, so i thought i would come on here and see if any of you can give me some advise.

Thank You for reading this, XHanzaX

02-02-06, 22:13
Hi Hannah,

I talk to your mom a lot about your problems especially as I also have a daughter called Hannah who is 13 and suffers as well.

My Hannah is often also afraid of going to school but the more often you both avoid going to school, the more frightened you will become. I'm sure your mom has explained to you that when you avoid going certain places this in fact tells your brain that there is something massive to be afraid of. Yes, you have had a very scary experience at school and you are of course scared that this will happen again. BUT, no matter how scary it is, there will always be someone there at school to help you through it. Your mom has told me that a lot of support has been put in place for you at school so there will always be help there should you need it.

Hannah, it would be really lovely if you could try to go into school next week as I'm sure that the thought of going is a lot, lot worse than actually being there. My Hannah has times when she is very anxious about going, but once she gets there finds that it isn't as bad as she thought it would be.

How about giving it a go?

Love Kate xxx

02-02-06, 23:48
Hi Hannah. My name is Chrissy

Im so glad that you are joining NMP. Im very proud of you Hannah. You are a very special young lady!!!! It takes a very strong person to do as well as you have done in your 12 years. I had loads of anxiety when I was in high school and it was very tough to go back as well. But, I did go back and I am VERY glad that I did. I made loads of friends who helped me everyday. 13 years later and im still friends with some of them.

I know how scared you are right now, but I promise you that you will feel good again. You will make lots of friends, you will laugh, you will enjoy your studies and you will have lots of fun. But, you have to try to go back in order to make all of those wonderful things happen! You will feel very proud of yourself and you will be able to look back on these years with fondness. You will probably be able to enjoy these things much more then your other school mates, because in your heart you will know just how hard you worked to achieve them.

Good luck Sweat Pea!!! I am here if you ever need me. Id be more then happy to talk to you!

Im proud of you for coming here to NMP and you should be very proud of yourself! Love Chrissy

03-02-06, 06:43
Hi hannah
Its lovely to see you here at NMP ,[8D]:D[^]
what can i say i think you are a very brave young lady
and you should be very proud of your self ,
what you are going though is really not nice but look at your mum and so many of us on here ,you will and can get better ,
Try to talk about it as much as you can and try to tell people how you are feeling it really will help this will be the first step to getting better,
just take small steps at a time and you will start to see thing get better very quickly ,,hannah please come on again and chat to us and let us know how you are getting on and if you every need to chat you know where we are take care and remember you are not alone and please try and start to talk about how you are feeling believe me it will help ,sending you lots of ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))
and :);):D:D[8D][^][^];)[:P][8D]:D take care denise xx


HanzaGanza age11
03-02-06, 09:53

Thank you for reading and repliying, i will take the information you gave me in, and try to get over the anxiety of going to school.

This afternoon i am going into school to speak to my mentor for about 10 to 20 minutes, i am really nervous but i no to think happy thoughts, and not bad thoughts that wont happen. My mum has told me how to change my thoughts but i am still findong it really hard.

Thank you all again:D


03-02-06, 10:50
Hi Hannah
just wanted to wish you luck for this afternoon
will be thinking of you ,sending you lots of happy thoughts
please let us know how it all goes ,
take care denisexxxxx


03-02-06, 11:44
hi hannah,

good luck this afternoon. stay positive, you can do it .. take care andrew

03-02-06, 12:11
Hello Hannah,

A big welcome to the site to you :D:D:D

It is soooo true that when we avoid places because we are afraid of panicking there, it keeps us afraid.

Hannah do you have a couple of good friends that you feel you could tell about this that are in all the same lessons with you.

I suffer from panic attacks too and it makes me scared to be out and about on my own incase I have one and show myself up.

I am beginning to realise though that is really daft and we shouldn't be worried by what other people think of us - what we think of ourselves is so much more important.

When I did feel at my worst though two good friends used to come with me to the school when I had to pick my kids up so that I didn't feel alone.

I am also working on being proud of who I am, panic attacks and all.

It's not pleasant how we feel but so so so many of us feel the same - from very young to very old that if we could learn to be more open about it that would take the fear and embarassment away and totally lessen the problem.

Hopefully in years to come it will get like this as more and more people talk about it.

Meanwhile mate I always take a bottle of water/juice with me wherever I go and I have learnt to breathe calmly from my tummy and both these help enormously.

Come on here whenever you feel something you are not sure about and we will see if we can help.

By the way - you have a really lovely mum who loves you to pieces and has great advice to give too doesn't she:D:D:D:D

Piglet xxxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.