View Full Version : Really low can anyone help- aniexty symptoms

02-02-06, 21:08
I'm sitting here crying feeling like I can't take much more. Since I had my 2nd child 10mnths ago I have experienced so manystrange feelings and they are starting to really get me down. I constantly diagnose myself with life threating terminal illnesses and replace one with another. My symptoms are endless, I get the throat thing, pins and needles in my hands and feet, my hands shake, I constantly feel drunk and often feel as though I am going to fall over, I get shaky hands, weak legs and arms. As I have run out of other illnessess I have become obbessed with MS and am 100% convinced I have it. I am too embarrassed to go back to the doctors. My relationship is feeling the strain my partner tries but doesn't really understand. I feel so alone. I also feel self pittying, I have many lovely things in life and 2 adorable kids but I just can't shake this. I can't manage it anymore I feel completely out of control

Sorry its so long xxx

02-02-06, 21:24
Hi there Babydoll

It wasn't too long so never worry about that atall. You can post as much or as little as you want to.

I too was once at this stage of panic and anxiety and felt so very very down and depressed. I couldn't see any hope or future.

Firstly you need to get a good health check done to reassure you. This would be simple things like blood tests and maybe and ECG or EEG. This will rule out any illnesses for starters.

Secondly you need to get some form of counselling and help for this. If you can't face this in person then No Panic do a telpehone recovery course that is well worth trying - I did it many years ago and is done with one phone call once a week for an hour.

Make sure you are eating well and taking any additional supplements as necessary.

Read some self help books and try to learn as much as you can about the panic etc.

It will all come together in time trust me. It just takes time and patience to work through things and work out what helps you best.

You can do it ok - just make sure you have the tools and then start to use them.


02-02-06, 21:46
Hi Baby doll, so sorry you are not feeling good at the moment. I think you should go back to the drs, perhaps you have a touch of post natal depression and it can be treated. I had post natal depression many years ago, but I was very similar to you. Just a thought but think about consulting GP, no post is ever too long, take care.xx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

02-02-06, 22:03
Hello there
If its any consolation i know exactly what you are going through. I am going through exactly the same thing.
I do not have post natal depression but i have suffered from anxiety and depression on and off for the past six years and can only tell you that things do get better. Some times you do get setbacks (as I am in now). But, I got through the last bout and I will do so again. Telling myself this is what gets me through. All the symptoms you are experiencing I have experienced too. So you are not alone. You are not crazy and you are going to get better I can promise you that. Your first port of call is to go to the GP. He/She sees loads of people with your symptoms and they will help you and if need be (as in my case) refer you to a councillor or for another sort of therapy. Millions of people are going through what you and I are so please do not feel dispair as there is light at the end of the tunnel. I wish you well xxxxx
All the Best

02-02-06, 22:22
Post natal depression was just a thought i had , I also have many of your symptoms and do not have post natal depression but I think at the end of the day, a GP will advise you on improving your thoughts, like Nic said a complete check up will reassure you, hope you are feeling a bit better now, take care.xxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

02-02-06, 23:40
Hi Babydoll

I'm so sorry you are going through a bad time, i do so hope that it doesn't last too long for you.

Regarding post natal depression...i had delayed post natal depression when my son was a year old (25 yrs ago!) and i was just the same as you are now...so please go and see your GP or even talk your health visitor...i got so bad my husband had to give up work as i was a complete wreck!

I do think this could be the problem, but whatever the problem you need to seek medical advice.

I wish you well
Trish x

03-02-06, 08:54
babydoll if you get yourself a copy of claire weekes books on the nerves you will see how commom it is to go for MS when the symptoms are so vague. i have had 5 babies so i no how vulnerable you can be after you have one and because you are sooooo depended on you feel a deep sense of responsibility and a need to live. but this need turns into a fear that you wont live to see them grow up, hense the symptoms of fear develop, the symptoms you have mentioned. in turn then these symptoms seem to confirm your worst fears that you will not live. it is sooooooo natural but you must realise that it is you r mind and nerves playing tricks on you when you arte so vulnerable.

stick with us kid and you will soon see a different way of facing these horrible symptoms

feel free to pm me anytime

hope this helps


03-02-06, 09:05
Hi baby doll

I'm so sorry to hear you feel so awful - but you have come to the right place. The symptoms you describe are very familiary to most of us! It will pass but you do need to get checked out first and it does sound likely that PND is at the root of it... but anxiety can strike anyone....

I hope you feel better soon and write as much as you want, get it off your chest here - you'll be surprised how much it helps!

Good luck,


03-02-06, 21:40
Thank you everyone, it really helps to know your not alone. I think I know these symptoms are aniexty related but theres always that what if lurking in the background. I have been to drs several times they did refer me for a physcological assessment and teh outcome of that was anti-depressants. I didn't take them and that was as much help as I rec'd. I did have counselling about 6yrs ago and it was really successful, I was aniexty/panic free for about 4yrs I think thats why I am finding it more difficult now. Does anyone know how to go about getting counselling through nomorepanic??

I did think of PND initially but didn't really think I had enough of the symptoms. thanks again I'm glad I found this site xxx

08-02-06, 01:31
I understand how you feel babydoll i really do, you can talk to me anytime if you feel you need some support, i know how hard it is i have had lots of symptoms for almost 2 years and sometimes i wonder how i have got through it until now somehow i have even though it's been very hard to cope with.