View Full Version : Nausea, arm pain, lightheaded, etc.....

18-05-10, 23:56
Hi everyone, I need some reassurance and/or advice....the last 4 or 5 days I have been waking up with nausea and then it comes and goes on and off throughout the day, also my left arm has been getting pain in the top of it and back of my shoulder and I keep getting a weird feeling coming over me like I am totally out of it and spaced out! Also I have been getting pains in back of neck, down arms, sometimes in legs and my face feels swollen like my sinuses are acting up...I have tried telling myself that it is a mix of anxiety and sinuses/allergies but every time I get the nausea/sick to stomach feeling, I get myself stressed out....I can't figure out why I would get this so often! Can anyone help me figure this out and put my mind at ease a bit?

19-05-10, 00:48
Hi, Not too sure, but I have been getting pins and needles tingling in left hand and arm and like numb feeling to left side of face and head, sometimes a sleepy feeling in my left leg, I am putting it down to being on the computer too much like repetitive strain injury, could that be the case with you too?

19-05-10, 01:58
it could be something like that with my arm, but the nausea and lightheaded feeling is what scares me the most, i get it off and on and i get fatigued with it too, like i could just pass out, then it passes but the nausea stays.

19-05-10, 13:35
i get this exact same feeling ive put it down to anxiety but i still stress about it.
i hope you feel better soon