View Full Version : Does PMS make your health anxiety worse??

19-05-10, 02:10
I've noticed that a week to two weeks befoe my period I get really bad physical and mental symptoms of anxiety!!! Once my period starts things calm down!! This has happened 3 months in a row. Has anyone else noticed this?? I did some research on the net and it seems to be a known problem!! Today I feel great and it coincides with the start of my period........

19-05-10, 09:13
Thats happens to me aswell. :)

19-05-10, 09:28
my anxiety is higher around my period time too, asked my doctor about it as i had noticed over a period of time what was going on and was told, yes, that anxiety can be higher around your period in some people


19-05-10, 10:39
I'm on my period at the moment, and its the worst PMS i have ever had, Ive had migraines everyday for the last week, I'm uneasy I'm stumbling everywhere, my breathing is difficult i feel like I'm about to die or collapse or be rushed to hospital. Usually i just get stomache cramps and some pain in that region. But not this time, I'm anxious, irritable, weeping, my chest feels tight. Everything is bad for me at the moment. :weep: So i guess its PMS. I hope it is..

19-05-10, 23:24
I've noticed that as well! It seems to start about 4-6 days before I'm due to get my period, with a massive build-up of tension and some aches and pains. Also, I always get really dizzy the day before my period comes on and when I forget that I'm due, it can freak me out and get me worrying. When I have really heavy periods I sometimes get night sweats, which used to worry me so much until I sat down, thought back and realised that they actually only came at that time of the month.

20-05-10, 01:01
Ruby94: It probably is due to PMS. Anxiety is definitely a symptom of PMS. We just happen to dwell and get anxious about our health. Last week I was felling dreadful! I was very anxious to the point of crying and worried I had MS. I was light headed and really fatigued (exhausted) and both happen to be symptoms of MS......

I've been reading that progesterone cream is supposed to be good for PMS and anxiety.....Has anyone ever used this?

20-05-10, 14:57
I have also found just before my period starts i get bad anxiety

20-05-10, 15:04
yeah pms can make it worse, with all the hormones ur more ansty anyway without the anxiety so coupled with that yeah it def makes it worse. x

20-05-10, 22:58
yes this is definately the case for me in the days running up to my period and even though I know thats what it is, it doesnt stop it happening. Tis a pain in the proverbial!


21-05-10, 17:21
YES - for me anyway.

21-05-10, 18:12
My anxiety in general is worse, with HA being part of that. On top of being snappy, irritable, tearful and easily upset. And cramps.

Don't you just love being a woman?