View Full Version : Meds: Yes or No?

19-05-10, 05:43
Hi all,
I am wondering how many of you take medication for your anxiety/panic?
I have been off and on meds since I was 18 and I'm 32 now. I have been on meds more than off. I stopped my Prozac about 7 weeks ago and, as Prozac has a very long half life, I am now starting to feel the horrible effects and uncontrollable physical anxiety return. I still take Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril depending on where you're from) but I would have to take a lot more than I do to be anxiety free. I have never been anxiety free on any meds and I have been on Prozac several times for long periods, Zoloft, Paxil and Celexa.
I was probably best on Zoloft but I had been on it for 3 years for OCD when I got this horrible panic disorder. My Dr. wants me to take Effexor and initially I agreed but I took it one day and then made excuses as to why not to take it until I just decided I was going to try going med-free again.
I am a nurse and I work in Psychiatry and I see the effects of people going off their meds all the time. They end up in hospital and I usually think "geez, if they would just stay on the meds!" For myself though, I dont' know, I don't feel as though I am above anyone else but I just feel that I should be able to handle my anxiety through exercise, diet, thinking, CBT, relaxation, etc. Also, I am learning about religion and think that may benefit me as well.
I just don't want to deal with side effects or worries about side effects anymore.
Ok, sorry for the rant. So, my questions? How many believe they are much, much better on meds and are fine if they have to stay on them for the rest of their life? How many don't take meds and have found other ways to relieve the anxiety? I would love to hear any other opinions or insights.
thanks X

19-05-10, 10:26
I am better on meds. Have tried to do without them in the past but it was too hard. All the best. Baggs.

19-05-10, 10:38
Hi, I think Im better on meds also. They take the edge of the anxiety and give me a stable base to work from.
I also use other methods to reduce my anxiety. Relaxation and meditation being the main ones.
Ive come off all my meds in the past as I was getting better and eventually everything would start building up again and I would need to go back on them again. So I think this time I wont bother coming off everything, just sit at a lower dose to tide me over.
Thats not to say you cant do it pill free.
Btw Ive also looked into religion, it seems to give people alot of strength to deal with their problems.
Good luck x

19-05-10, 10:56
Im much better off meds. I was on anafranil (goes by another name but not sure what it is, sorry) and valium 2mg. That was many years ago, I was first put on them at 16 when I was housebound and took to my bed for two weeks. The medication helped and I also saw a psychiatrist who was brilliant. When I was pregnant with my son I took myself off the anafranil but carried on with the valium only when I felt I needed it. Then after being on them 11 years my doctor stopped prescribing and I was in a state of panic! After slowly decreasing the dose to just a nibble I was fine. I havent taken medication since 1986 and Im doing well. I remember a doctor once telling me drugs are good for the short term but once you come off them all your anxieties are back. That was many years ago when the drugs available were pretty limited, lots more have been developed so that statement probably doesnt apply now but it sticks in my mind. I think if they work for you then great, I just choose not to take anything.
Take care,

19-05-10, 12:43
I've personally chosen not to take medication, because I know that ultimately they only mask symptoms and make things easier in the short term. If you want to be truly anxiety free in the long term then, dealing with the anxiety head on is the only way it's going to happen.

19-05-10, 15:07
I had a panic disorder in my 20's and at that time I used Serax (a benzodiazepine) for about a year, tapered it down, which was hard, but I did get off of it. I had anxiety a little on and off through the years until now at 56 I got the panic disorder again. I tried the SSRI's (but I am med phobic, and I just couldn't handle those). I an now taking Ativan 1 mg. in the morning and a .5mg at noon. I have a lot of gaggy feelings in the morning, so can't eat and have lost weight. The ativan takes the edge off so I can work on getting out and challenging some of my fears - shopping, exercising, etc. I do not like taking them because I know they are addictive, plus sometimes I think they make my feelings of unreality worse (because they make me a little dizzy and drowsy), but a doctor told me I was on such a low dose that the feelings of unreality, etc., are probably coming from the anxiety disorder and not to worry about the Ativan.

19-05-10, 21:03
I've personally chosen not to take medication, because I know that ultimately they only mask symptoms and make things easier in the short term. If you want to be truly anxiety free in the long term then, dealing with the anxiety head on is the only way it's going to happen.

I am the same..When I had a first bout of HA 10 years ago it was pretty bad and my GP almost begged me to try Prozac.. I refused for quite some time and then thought ok, just a few weeks..It had no effect whatsoever and I decided then I wouldnt have meds again..

19-05-10, 22:52
Hi, i think the worse thing i did this year was stop taking my pills, gradually over the last few weeks the anxiety and panic attacks have come spiralling back, to a point where i wouldn't leave my house again and had a fear of being left alone with my kids, i was a mess, ive been back on my meds now for just over 2 weeks and i am finally feeling abit better, if popping a pill in the morning means i can get up, go outside and do everyday things then thats what i will continue to do.
Take care Claire :-)

20-05-10, 05:40
Wow, thanks all so much for your replies! I can relate to both ways of thinking. I am still stuck as far as going back on meds or staying off. I feel feelings that I haven't felt in a long time. They aren't pleasant but they are real! I haven't felt anger for so, so long and I feel it again. I am also hoping to regain a libido. On the other hand, I see myself sticking closer to home and being a lot more tired from that horrible anxiety that comes from your stomach and goes straight to your heart-exhausting! If I knew Effexor would allow me to feel feelings but dull the anxiety that is so overwhelming, I would do it in a heartbeat. Ugh- such a lonely and personal decision!!
Thanks so much for all your stories!

20-05-10, 11:48
Regarding the libido thing, SSRI's are well known for messing with this. However, you may consider an older style tri-cyclic which, in my experience, has no detrimental effect on libido. And there is one - Mirtazapine - which also has a sedative effect, which may help with your anxiety. All the best. Baggs.