View Full Version : I wet the bed!!

Desprate Dan
19-05-10, 08:03
I havent been on the forum for awhile because i have been doing well. That was until now, i know this is very embarasing for me but the other night i wet the bed, something i have not done since i was a child. I hadnt been drinking it was just a normal night, so why didnt wake when i needed the toilet? This has knocked me back and now i am frightend to sleep incase this happens again, i had planned trips away with freinds but have now made up excuses not to go incase it happens again. I really thought i was doing well, please help or give me advise as i dont want this worrie to ruin my life.. Please please help. So upset Dan.

19-05-10, 08:31
You shouldn't be embarrassed by this; it can happen but nothing indicate that it will happen again.

Had you been drinking alcohol last night perhaps?

If not, you shouldn't worry. As you said this hasn't happened since you were a child, so it is likely to be an isolate incident. Nothing should make you assume that it will happen again.

19-05-10, 09:25

dont panic dan, it was maybe just a blip, had you maybe been dreaming about going to the toilet, if so that might have been what happened, you may have been dreaming about going and your body thought thats what it was doing

nothing to worry about

Desprate Dan
19-05-10, 09:44
Thanks, i cant remember if i was dreaming about going to the toilet.. I really hope it was a blip, just thinking how embarrased i would be if it were to happen whilst on holiday with freinds.. I really don't want this incedent to stop me doing the things i want, like i said i have been doing really well until now. Dan

19-05-10, 10:18
Please don't worry too much about this Dan. Accidents happen like this. - And to the to best of us! Its not like you did it on purpose, and i dont think it will happen again, you probably had alot to drink and was exhausted. Your body shuts down when you sleep and you mind will rest too. So its hard for your body and mind to connect when you are sleeping. It doesnt matter how old you are when it comes to things like this, an accident is and accident. Maybe you can think of a solution why this happened to you. That always makes me feel better. Is to think things over :) take care Dan i hope i helped a bit x

Desprate Dan
19-05-10, 13:46
Thanks for your kind words, i realise that it was an accident it worries me the fact that i didnt wake, i often goto the toilet for a pee during the night. My doctor recently swapped my med from Citalopram to Mirtazapine, and have slept better which is a massive bonus, but i hope its not at the expence of having little accidents.. Maybe its just me over thinking again... Dan

19-05-10, 16:27
I reckon I can answer the question for you mate - Mirtazipine knocked you unconcious, they did that to me, and considering you were recently suffering badly with a lack of sleep, it may be that you're sleeping really deeply at the moment whilst your body catches up. Don't worry too much matey honestly.


19-05-10, 16:42
This is known as nocturnal enuresis and there are rare instances resported with the use of Mirtazapine. It occurs not because it "knocks you unconscious" but rather due to the drug's action on the smooth muscle of the trigone and sphincter muscles at the base of the bladder, which reduce resistence to incontinence, primarily nocturnal.

If you experience the complication again, speak to your doctor. While it is not harmful, it is certainly a nusiance. It may be necessary to select an alternative therapeutic agent.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

19-05-10, 17:36
It occurs not because it "knocks you unconscious" but rather due to the drug's action on the smooth muscle of the trigone and sphincter muscles at the base of the bladder, which reduce resistence to incontinence, primarily nocturnal.

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

noone likes a pedant

not all of us have done years of medical training and spent a life as a doctor. Some of us never had the opportunity or the rich parents.

19-05-10, 17:59
Hi Dan,

Dan, please don't be embarassed, it really does happen to the best of us. If you are worried about things then have a wee chat with your doctor, I'm sure they will be able to help reassure your worries. Keep an eye on things, but I'm sure it's definately nothing to worry about my love. Hope you feel better very soon.

Much love and hugs,


PS: RLR, maybe you should not be so fancyschmancy with your words, eh? You just look as if you've pasted and copied from the web ;). Also, I'm pretty sure it's against rules for people to give out medical advice.

Desprate Dan
19-05-10, 19:02
Its okay, thanks to you all for you reasurance it means alot to me, fingers crossed for no more little accidents, i know its not the end of the world but its quite embarrasing for a young man, but if it becomes a habit i will have a little chat with my doctor..

Thanks again
