View Full Version : feel like i'm going round in constant circles!!

19-05-10, 09:50
Not sure if i'm writing this in the right area but i've had this anxiety and depression since i was 21 and i go months where i'm ok and than i end up really ill again and have panic attacks and really low mood and feel like i'm losing control of my mind. What could be causing me to go round and round in these circles, i'm so confused and feel scared.

up a ladder
19-05-10, 10:00
I tend to find that mine occurs every time a particular change hits me. Financial and work are the two most common. When I first started getting the attacks in my mid 20s, they came very frequently for only minor issues (they did not seem minor at the time) from meetings or being away from home.
I think they all do cycle for most of us.
The positive point is that you should know that you can and will feel better at some point.

19-05-10, 10:24
This is very like me, its so hard sometimes i feel like i want to give up because one day you are absolutely fine, then it hits you like a ton of bricks and you don't understand why where or how this happened. The stress and anxiety feed off each over from this and it brings you down again. I don't know why this happens but like 'up a ladder' said, the positive point is that you should know that you can and WILL feel better and some point again :) its hard but you will get there, we all will. Its a tough journey and remember

what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger :) so other than being against it, use the darn think to climb on to get to the top! x best of luck honey


22-05-10, 19:06
can't stop crying today :( help :(

22-05-10, 19:57
u desribe how i feel just comes and goes but its so scary make me feel better to know that somebody else suffers similar things, i dont think im goin mad

22-05-10, 22:35
your not going mad or losing control, its anxiety! Ive had anxiety twice now, with me stress plays a big part. Have you been particularly stressed lately? Like the others have said, atleast you know that your anxiety improved before and it will do again, we have to have hope! Are u on any meds or therapy for it?

I do know how you feel tho, I have been tearful today and am getting so fed up of this now but it just takes time for things to improve and we have to be patient. wishing you well :D